Clean, Reasonable Accommodations?


AKA Carnac
In '93 or '94 the environmentalists had huge tract's of land in Arizona shut down to logging,(FOR THE SPOTTED OWL) which really affected the paper plant in Snowflake. So some of the lumbermen in Arizona made up bumper stickers that said " TRY WIPING YOUR BUTT WITH A SPOTTED OWL". and the other one said " TRY WIPING YOUR BUTT WITH A PIECE OF PLASTIC".
We wound up losing huge parts of those forest's to the Rodeo and chedeski fires, all blamed on the forest service and the environmentalist's for not allowing the thining of those forest's.


I worked around logging and environmentalist for several decades and the problem I always saw was some on each side always went to extremes. Zero logging or zero limits to logging. Never a middle ground that made common sense...... The only real winner's are the Lawyers !!!!


AKA Carnac
When I was younger, I went up to Utah for the summer to log spruce in the Uintas and one day we left camp, and out in the middle of nowhere I saw a fairly big white monument, and I asked the owner of the sawmill we were logging for what it was. He said they called it Jap National Monument, It was where a Japanese pilot crashed and died trying to be the first person to circle the world in an airplane and the Janpanese came over and built it.


We wound up losing huge parts of those forest's to the Rodeo and chedeski fires, all blamed on the forest service and the environmentalist's for not allowing the thining of those forest's.
Political figures, including Senator Jon kyle of Arizona, blamed the fire on "radical environmentalists" and their opposition to logging to "thin" the forests.... The Sierra club responded by saying they have long supported the thinning of underbrush and small trees through controlled burnsd, not the logging of large trees.
I don't give a crap what the big logging, mining, etc corporations say, or the politicians that they pay off.. They have no soul, and only worship the almighty dollar!
The cattle industry (after decimating the whole Southwest) have finally started doing things in a environmentally sound way compared to how they grazed in the past. They had to, cows can't eat dirt!


AKA Carnac
I worked around logging and environmentalist for several decades and the problem I always saw was some on each side always went to extremes. Zero logging or zero limits to logging. Never a middle ground that made common sense...... The only real winner's are the Lawyers !!!!
You are right Kenny, TomCat says it all.


AKA Carnac
Same as here in RP get invited to a big business mans party or politicians party or law enforemnt official party and alot of times you will find sea turtle on the menu. The laws they made and enforce made the meat to expensive for everyone else. I have been to several parties where the meat is taken out and the shell is placed with rebar supports over a bed of charcoal and when the meat that clings to shell is cooked it is scraped and served in tacos.


Interesting story, The Japanese left a few other items in the USA forests. They launched 9,300 balloons trying to burn down our forest during WW2. It might have work if the balloons were launched and landed during fire season !


AKA Carnac
TomCat, Back in the '90s I heard if the U.S. looked at its forests the way the rest of the world looked at its oil reserves we would come out ahead, we have given our forests away, to the rest of the world as if they have no value. Lumber here has always been ridiculously cheap. ie a 2x4x8 stud green doug fir weighs 13.36 pounds and right now they retail for about $2.00 that is 15 cents a pound, you have to log it, get it to the sawmill, saw it, trim it, plane it, then ship it and its still only 15 cents a pound retail seems ridiculouse. A little fricken hershey bar that weighs 2 ounces is the same price as a 2x4 stud. What can you buy, but lumber for that. I just say that because our export business used to be huge. (not me the U.S.)
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AKA Carnac
Political figures, including Senator Jon kyle of Arizona, blamed the fire on "radical environmentalists" and their opposition to logging to "thin" the forests.... The Sierra club responded by saying they have long supported the thinning of underbrush and small trees through controlled burnsd, not the logging of large trees.
I don't give a crap what the big logging, mining, etc corporations say, or the politicians that they pay off.. They have no soul, and only worship the almighty dollar!
The cattle industry (after decimating the whole Southwest) have finally started doing things in a environmentally sound way compared to how they grazed in the past. They had to, cows can't eat dirt!
Another bumper sticker said "SIERRA CLUB KISS MY AXE". thats how it was then when lumber hit record price levels in 1994.


Kenny said: (I don't give a crap what the big logging, mining, etc corporations say, or the politicians that they pay off.. They have no soul, and only worship the almighty dollar!) Throw in the 5 largest banks and the ruthless lawyers and you hit the nail on the head my friend !!!! Amen


TomCat, Back in the '90s I heard if the U.S. looked at its forests the way the rest of the world looked at its oil reserves we would come out ahead, we have given our forests away, to the rest of the world as if they have no value. Lumber here has always been ridiculously cheap. ie a 2x4x8 stud green doug fir weighs 13.36 pounds and right now they retail for about $2.00 that is 15 cents a pound, you have to log it, get it to the sawmill, saw it, trim it, plane it, then ship it and its still only 15 cents a pound retail seems ridiculouse. A little fricken hershey bar that weighs 2 ounces is the same price as a 2x4 stud. What can you buy, but lumber for that. I just say that because our export business used to be huge. (not me the U.S.)
When I was living in Portland in part the of the 70's and 80's, the Japanese would offload their cars for the western states there, and load up on scrap metal and recycled paper for their return trip. I'm sure the price has went up because of the competition from China for what we waste.
The Number One U.S. Export To China: Waste Paper And Scrap Metal

Historians tell us that by the very end of the Roman Empire, goods were pouring into Rome from all over the known world, but about the only thing being sent out of Rome was human waste and garbage. America has not yet reached that point, but we are certainly well on our way. In 2010, the number one U.S. export to China is "scrap and trash". Yes, you read the correctly. The number one thing that China buys from us is our garbage
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I send a message to the white house and see if they respond ok Kenny !!!!!! Here is a copy of it....

Dear Mr. Obama
As soon as your done in the middle east with you israeli deal. Would you please get back to the USA and deal with our economy. 5 of our largest banks have evidence against them of mortgage fraud of millions of Americans. The justice dept is not sure they will bring charges. WTF... Were loosing our houses and our jobs and retirements. We have un-fare trade agreements with most of the Asian nations and now our main export is garbage. The big business that have bought out congress is breaking records on profits but the middle class and below are not working, not paying taxes, and with all the rich tax breaks I am afraid if you don't hurry home and tend to things the American people might get real upset and we all remember (at least people my age) the Vietnam war protest in American streets. Not a pretty picture but what else can people do when thier Government fails them ! Oh sorry Mr Obama if your pay check is late or doesn't arrive next month but your BOSS the tax payers are having a little cash flow problem.......

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Hotel senorial on calle 13 is where I always stay. Its close to everything. I was there 2 weeks ago and it was $43.00 a nite and a $5.00 key deposit. They also have security that walks around.


Al Pastor Locator
Thanks North, Them thread hijackers should just start a new one.

Stayed at Posada La Roca Hotel for two nights down near the Malecon. AC, Free lobby WiFi, Morning Coffee, days old newspaper and clean but not overly fantastic furnishings (would have appreciated the attributes of fabreeze for the first time...) but for $50 (+$5 key deposit) I was pleased. Not driving and being in the action is great! Pics to follow...