TomCat, Back in the '90s I heard if the U.S. looked at its forests the way the rest of the world looked at its oil reserves we would come out ahead, we have given our forests away, to the rest of the world as if they have no value. Lumber here has always been ridiculously cheap. ie a 2x4x8 stud green doug fir weighs 13.36 pounds and right now they retail for about $2.00 that is 15 cents a pound, you have to log it, get it to the sawmill, saw it, trim it, plane it, then ship it and its still only 15 cents a pound retail seems ridiculouse. A little fricken hershey bar that weighs 2 ounces is the same price as a 2x4 stud. What can you buy, but lumber for that. I just say that because our export business used to be huge. (not me the U.S.)