Hello All, I've been reading this board for about a week and have found a lot of useful information scattered about (as well as some entertaining quarrels). Sorry if this is very vague questions but I don't mind vague answers... Before I ask here's my current situation: I currently live in the U.S. and my wife's a Mexico citizen/Permanent Resident and her family will be moving back to Mexico this year. We've toyed with the idea of coming with them as she's VERY close to her family and my family lives in AZ so it would be nice to be close to our families. My wife is bilingual, college educated and I have a very strong technical background as well as business management background (I also speak a little Spanish, enough to get around, but will hopefully be more fluent by the time we move. I know with visas and stuff I won't be able to work for a while but my wife and the rest of her family will be able to provided they find jobs. The last thing I want to mention is we will be going with about 5k+ saved up to try and stay afloat while we get settled in. So this boils down to my questions. Is it very difficult to find jobs and and make a living for Americans (or in general) down there? I know a lot of you are retired with retirement pay but I was hoping maybe some people on this board actually live and work in PP. I read that minimum wage is like 55 pesos a day which translates to less than 5 dollars a day and it's kind of discouraging. Anyway, and feedback will be helpful and I'm sure more questions will come to light after I get a few replies. Thanks everybody!!!:geek: