Hey Stuar t, the arrests in nogales were real. I dont even know what an ip address is. I was only using it to show how ridicules dry heats statement to me was.
I do remember the arrest of the 73 year old in Nogales, and yes, that was a real case. He was arrested by Mexican authorities and the whole thing was ridiculous (although I'm sure, not to the guy that got arrested). Personally, I feel they should have arrested the Farmacia that SOLD the medications without a prescription. If you walk into a Farmacia and ask for something that requires a prescription, you should be told so immediately. However, $20 will often take care of that formality and presto, you now have a prescription!
By the way, an IP address is the Internet Protocol Address of your computer when you are connected to the Internet. It's your identifier and yes, they can be traced. However, it's not as foolproof as you might think because there are lots of ways to spoof your IP address and make it look like you're connecting through a completely different IP address than what you really are. Most honest folks have no reason to even be concerned about it. However, for those with less than honest intentions (i.e. child porn, scammers, credit card thiefs, etc.), they do a lot to hide their tracks on the Internet by connecting through a series of anonymous servers around the world that lead anybody trying to track them down to a big fat dead-end.