Buying meds without prescription.....

Heard from a local friend that soon you won't be able to buy medicines, like antibiotics, in Penasco, without a prescription. Can anyone verify that? And I'm not talking about bringing them back to the states......
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I am under the impression that this is a new law throughout all of Mexico. I go to a border town regularly and read that it was prohibited to buy the antibiotics without prescription in Mexico. When friends ask me to bring them back antibiotics, I now say no.


I wasn't aware of this, but I just bought a Z-pack and Albuterol the beginning of June. No one said anything....
Maybe I'm dense....or ???? Let me rephrase the question: I have been able to buy meds over the counter in Penasco without a prescription....stuff like amoxicillin, Z-pac, Augmentin. Someone told me that the Mexican government was getting ready to no longer allow this. Has anyone else heard this???
Maybe I'm dense....or ???? Let me rephrase the question: I have been able to buy meds over the counter in Penasco without a prescription....stuff like amoxicillin, Z-pac, Augmentin. Someone told me that the Mexican government was getting ready to no longer allow this. Has anyone else heard this???
Actually yes. It's been talked about for months now, but no details on how/when it will begin to be enforced. I don't think it has anything to do with what you can take back across the border with you, but definitely what you can purchase here over the counter.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Maybe I'm dense....or ???? Let me rephrase the question: I have been able to buy meds over the counter in Penasco without a prescription....stuff like amoxicillin, Z-pac, Augmentin. Someone told me that the Mexican government was getting ready to no longer allow this. Has anyone else heard this???
Yes, I read an article on this not long ago. Basically, it said what you are saying - that antibiotics will now require a prescription. The reason behind it is the same as here in the US - people are (well, the stuff that infects people is) becoming immune to many antibiotics because people take to many of them for too many reasons.

I have not tried to purchase any recently, so unknown if they have really clamped down or not as of yet. But, as a matter of general practice, I always keep a couple of bottles of fresh amoxicillin in my medicine cabinet for sinus infections.
Yes, I read an article on this not long ago. Basically, it said what you are saying - that antibiotics will now require a prescription. The reason behind it is the same as here in the US - people are (well, the stuff that infects people is) becoming immune to many antibiotics because people take to many of them for too many reasons.

I have not tried to purchase any recently, so unknown if they have really clamped down or not as of yet. But, as a matter of general practice, I always keep a couple of bottles of fresh amoxicillin in my medicine cabinet for sinus infections.
Stuart....use Augmentin...(has an added ingredient besides amoxicillin)'s more effective(more expensive too)...and take it for 10 days....taking the amoxicillin for 7 days doesn't completely knock out the bugs! I used to have monster sinus attacks(knock on wood) that info from a MD specialist's web site.

That will be $50.....Dr. RockyPtJoe


AKA Carnac
That does'nt mean its legal. In Nogales in 2004 the police department cracked down and arrested many americans walking around town with precription drugs but without a prescription. One man bought a 3 month supply of valium for his 73 year old wife and was arrested. As dryheat mentioned to me on a differnt thread people can get your ip address off this site and since you are a criminal could be arrested.
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Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
As dryheat mentioned to me on a differnt thread people can get your ip address off this site and since you are a criminal could be arrested.
Are you kidding me? They can't even put a dent in the flood of ILLEGAL drugs coming over the border! The LAST thing in the world I'm worried about is the Internet Drug Police trying to hunt me down because I bought an anti-biotic for a sinus infection in Mexico! Puhhh-leasse! Call the AMA and have them send out a freakin' Code Red alert, okay?

Speaking of IP's... I should do some checking. You sound an AWFUL LOT like a banned member, our old "friend" Cactus Amigo. He used to love to wag his finger at all of us criminal law-breaking types that brought a ham sandwich over the border with us!


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
:rofl:Oh Ha Ha, Stuart! I'm getting ready to come home today. Now wherever will I hide that bacon??????:ham::mrgreen:


AKA Carnac
Are you kidding me? They can't even put a dent in the flood of ILLEGAL drugs coming over the border! The LAST thing in the world I'm worried about is the Internet Drug Police trying to hunt me down because I bought an anti-biotic for a sinus infection in Mexico! Puhhh-leasse! Call the AMA and have them send out a freakin' Code Red alert, okay?

Speaking of IP's... I should do some checking. You sound an AWFUL LOT like a banned member, our old "friend" Cactus Amigo. He used to love to wag his finger at all of us criminal law-breaking types that brought a ham sandwich over the border with us!
Hey Stuar t, the arrests in nogales were real. I dont even know what an ip address is. I was only using it to show how ridicules dry heats statement to me was.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Hey Stuar t, the arrests in nogales were real. I dont even know what an ip address is. I was only using it to show how ridicules dry heats statement to me was.
I do remember the arrest of the 73 year old in Nogales, and yes, that was a real case. He was arrested by Mexican authorities and the whole thing was ridiculous (although I'm sure, not to the guy that got arrested). Personally, I feel they should have arrested the Farmacia that SOLD the medications without a prescription. If you walk into a Farmacia and ask for something that requires a prescription, you should be told so immediately. However, $20 will often take care of that formality and presto, you now have a prescription!

By the way, an IP address is the Internet Protocol Address of your computer when you are connected to the Internet. It's your identifier and yes, they can be traced. However, it's not as foolproof as you might think because there are lots of ways to spoof your IP address and make it look like you're connecting through a completely different IP address than what you really are. Most honest folks have no reason to even be concerned about it. However, for those with less than honest intentions (i.e. child porn, scammers, credit card thiefs, etc.), they do a lot to hide their tracks on the Internet by connecting through a series of anonymous servers around the world that lead anybody trying to track them down to a big fat dead-end.


AKA Carnac
I think there were 12 more arrests that month. Thanks for your explanation sorry for the misunderstanding. Please dont call me Cactus Jack. It is safer to get a prescription anyway for $20 you can have a doctor in Penasco give you one and you can cross the border with them without a problem.