Thanksgiving Part Two


2 salty dawgs
glad to see you have recovered from the basement -
we'll be sure to bring plates and such as soon as we get there - still hoping to pull in by 1pm.
8 days and counting.....:coldone:


2 salty dawgs
we should be fine with that time - I'm hoping to be pulling into PDO at about 1pm - we'll take a stroll over to your site as soon as we park to drop off essentials.
thanks! 6 days and counting...... :)


Ok, 2:30 it is! I'm leaving tomorrow but I'll ask Valerie to check the forum if anybody has any more questions. It looks like it's going to be sunny and close to 80 Thanksgiving day...
Ok, 2:30 it is! I'm leaving tomorrow but I'll ask Valerie to check the forum if anybody has any more questions. It looks like it's going to be sunny and close to 80 Thanksgiving day...
Chuck you are always welcome to come over and use our computer to check the forum...


Thanks Mark, Valerie is going home on Sunday and I won't have a car until she comes back.
Hey...Chuck don't need no stinkin' car....with his beads, and the remaining bars that are still open on the Mirador...he should do fine!!! :twisted::roll::-D
I know this is a short notice but if anyone that will be down here for Thanksgiving would like to go to the island I can get us a private charter aboard the 60 foot ABOUT TIME for the unheard of price of $650.00 for up to 20 people...

This price will not be offered again it is a special offer for our Thanksgiving party weekend only... regular price is $1000.00 for up to 10 passengers...

This would be a bare boat trip... BYOB...

we could bring leftovers from Thanksgiving dinner...

if you want to snorkel you need to bring your own gear...

if you want to fish bring your own bait and gear...

call me at 602-324-9529 or locally 383-4963 or click the send me a SeaMail link below and send me a message... I would need to know ASAP to reserve the boat...
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I was just in it about an hour ago and I only wore a 1 mil torso wetsuit... I would say it's still in the upper 70's...
Mark count us in as long as you get at least 10 people.
Thanks Bill and Edna
which day are you looking at - Fri or SAt?
3 of us may be interested.
Mark....what are the hours for the trip on Friday???
Cool Bill you're included... Bill if you bring a sibiki rig, I'm sure you can make bait at the island... castmasters are fun out there too...

joester this is for Friday, we'd love to have ya's join us if ya can... the boat is booked for the rest of the weekend...

RPJ... we would leave at about 8:00am and return at around 3:00pm maybe later depends how much fun we're having

I'm really sorry to be rushing this, but I was offered this price (after begging a bit) on a short notice...