Thanksgiving Part Two


2 salty dawgs
if we can get 13 - the price is $50/each - pretty cheap.
that's about our magic # - but I agree with Bill that we need at least 10 - that's 65/ea. keep me posted as to the count as you get replies - our group of 3 is a go for the numbers above.
if we can get 13 - the price is $50/each - pretty cheap.
that's about our magic # - but I agree with Bill that we need at least 10 - that's 65/ea. keep me posted as to the count as you get replies - our group of 3 is a go for the numbers above.
joester... I'm going down to see Chuck hopefully he and Val will want to go...

I will keep everyone updated on the count we are at 5 and me so far...
Bill we will leave from the docks where the INTREPID is... it's on the south side of the harbor...

I'm waiting for confirmation on 11 more people, will update in the morning or sooner if I hear from these people sooner...


2 salty dawgs
Bill -
would you have room for 3 of us to ride with you to the boat from PDO on Fri morning? back of a truck is fine :)
No it is next to the new municipal docks that were built... if you are heading to old port you would turn to the right in front of the kayak shop go 1 block and you turn to the right and it is on the left hand side of the road about a half a block after you make the turn...
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All this Thanksiving stuff sounds like fun!!!
Seadweller, I sent you an email and we would love to go to bird island so count us in.

Also, the thanksgiving fest sounds like fun and we'd like to pop by and meet people. I just need to know where and when! I'll bring goodies!



Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Mark, I'm in. Penasco Pirate said he may want to go too. I tried to PM him back but the forum hiccupped and said I had to wait 60 seconds between PM'S. I waited 2 minutes and it said the same thing. ?????? I'll try to write him again to direct him to this thread.

Mentiras y Traición

Sonoran Goddess
Mark, I'm in. Penasco Pirate said he may want to go too. I tried to PM him back but the forum hiccupped and said I had to wait 60 seconds between PM'S. I waited 2 minutes and it said the same thing. ?????? I'll try to write him again to direct him to this thread.
Now I am REALLY jealous.:cry:


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Get your buns in that Jeep and get going hammer down! I'll be there by noon Thursday and you can bunk with me. I am dog friendly, too.

I am not kidding.


Had lunch today with Mark and Chuck. I'll be there for sure. Just need to convince my wife to make some tamales or something. Chuck has been taking care of his honey-do's this week. Mark has been off having fun as usual...


Thanks for the info. We will try and pop by at somepoint and meet everyone!! I cant wait to get down there, its been to long between trips!Everyone drive carefully down there and may the border ajents on both sides be nice, friendy, and fast!!:cruisin::usa::mexico:
Had lunch today with Mark and Chuck. I'll be there for sure. Just need to convince my wife to make some tamales or something. Chuck has been taking care of his honey-do's this week. Mark has been off having fun as usual...

Jim... it was fun... plenty more to come... the weekend has not yet begun... :boat: