You always hear about the best eating fish in PP but i haven't heard about the ones that you are better left throwing back.

Hello everyone. Will be fishing in las conchas area in a month. From what I have read on here, kastmaster,and spoons [ 1 ounce right?] are favorites but I must be careful of the rocky shore. Pompano rigs are also used with some kind of bait fish attached. Also favorites are jigs or even rubber bait?

A few questions

1. You hear about the good eating fish. What fish should i just let go and throw back ( I know pufferfish is one)

2. If I am using spoons and lures, is 1oz good enough if fishing from the shore?

3. If you want to eat the fish do you put it on a stringer to keep fresh or kill it instantly and put it on ice or keep it alive in a cooler. Still not sure on this one

4. I bought 2 brand new surf fishing poles. (Shakespeare alpha bigwater saltwater combo) I don't remember what pound strength is on the line. If they are advertised as surf, is it safe to assume at least 20lb mono and thus good as bare
minimum for what I need?

5. Also why can't I find any good sushi in PP. Is it because the type of fish there isn't really suited for sushi? All I find are pictures of the fried type sushi or ones heavily soaked in sauces and cream cheese which are great honestly but sometimes I just want a bit of plain good quality fresh from the sea fish you know? Nagiri style you know?

Any other general tips when fishing las conchas surf would be fantastic. Thank you


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Rubber baits work, but you better bring a wheelbarrow full of them. Triggers and sandbass tear'em right the hell up. That's why Kastmasters (single hook, white bucktail, 3/4 or 1 oz) are your best friend. Zara Spooks also work great if you can walk the dog.

Throwbacks? Small sandbags and triggers. Not bad eating, but PITA to clean for little return. Larger models are fine. Puffers? Back you go, but rare for them to hit a lure. They will eat bait. Stingrays. Same with bait, but be damned careful, I've gotten hit twice trying to release their sorry asses VERY carefully. Now I just cut their barb off before messing with them at all.

Corvina are prime eating, as are the flounder. I just throw them in a bucket, gut them and clean at the casa. I learned fishing the flats in Texas not to stringer your fish. Draws sharks, but not really a problem in PP.

If you want sushi, go to to the fish market and get yellowtail, red Snapper, or Sierra and make your own. I won't eat sushi out in RP. Stick with tacos.


I'd recommend braided line with a fluoro leader on the surf rod. You'll be able to launch it further with good braided line. I use 30# braid and 20# fluoro, but I'm sure you could go a little lighter if you wanted. I fish 12# leader on my fly rod without any problems.
Rubber baits work, but you better bring a wheelbarrow full of them. Triggers and sandbass tear'em right the hell up. That's why Kastmasters (single hook, white bucktail, 3/4 or 1 oz) are your best friend. Zara Spooks also work great if you can walk the dog.

Throwbacks? Small sandbags and triggers. Not bad eating, but PITA to clean for little return. Larger models are fine. Puffers? Back you go, but rare for them to hit a lure. They will eat bait. Stingrays. Same with bait, but be damned careful, I've gotten hit twice trying to release their sorry asses VERY carefully. Now I just cut their barb off before messing with them at all.

Corvina are prime eating, as are the flounder. I just throw them in a bucket, gut them and clean at the casa. I learned fishing the flats in Texas not to stringer your fish. Draws sharks, but not really a problem in PP.

If you want sushi, go to to the fish market and get yellowtail, red Snapper, or Sierra and make your own. I won't eat sushi out in RP. Stick with tacos.
Do you kill them before throwing them in the bucket or leave in the bucket alive? Also thank you so much for the response, super helpful!!


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Do you kill them before throwing them in the bucket or leave in the bucket alive? Also thank you so much for the response, super helpful!!
Usually just throw them in bucket. When the corvina run, the action is fast and furious, then the school moves along. I don't waste time messing with the fish. Get'em unhooked and in the bucket ASAP and get back to casting for another. Have literally filled a 5 gal bucket in 10 minutes, then they're gone.


Also, if I'm fishing during the heat of the day and don't have anywhere cool to put the fish, I'll bury it a foot or so down in the sand to keep it from baking in the sun.