For the noob's on here and Joester, who just forgot, these stents are in my leg. My right interior femoral artery was completely clogged from my um, groin to my knee. I have 3 stents in there. They were put in in Jan '11. 2 months later, they let me go off the blood thinners. At my first regular 6 month check up in Oct. 11, they discovered the stents had clogged up. In Nov. '11, I got them rotor rootered. He would not let me go off the blood thinners. He said yesterday that I must take them from now on. I am a walking bruise but thankful they are functioning properly. It was kind of a big deal for me as I was just a little scared. I leaned on my forum family through all this, whining, complaining and venting. And they loved me right back! I love you guys!