Kicked? You are mistaken sir.Sub! where have you been/ after you got kicked out of the forum island I thought I would hear from you again one day.
Kicked? You are mistaken sir.Sub! where have you been/ after you got kicked out of the forum island I thought I would hear from you again one day.
I wasn't aware they made bullet proof vests in XXXXXLWell the blood and gore sure brings out the maggots and buzzards. Take it to Rants please. Oh first let me mention WAL MART, WAL MART, WAL MART. That will get you frothing at the mouth !! Ja ja ja ja
You my friend are too quick to speak. Its bad I'll agree........Rocky point tourism is done now. I know you people who live there are biased. But its done. Worst thing ever for rp. Sorry guys.
Please Sub, keep your Smart @$$ comments to yourself.I've been away from Puerto Penasco for a long time but everyone assures me that it's safe as it ever was.
What is the best way to avoid helicopter gunships and rolling gun battles while I am there?
Should I bring my flare gun and travel in a convoy?
I used to really enjoy the strip clubs on Calle 13, if I dress in all red, white, and blue & wave an American flag, will they aim elsewhere?
If I want to go sailing, is the harbor a safe place?
If I pull out Mexicoruss' business card, am I guaranteed that they will reconsider shooting me in the back of the head and dumping me in the dunes?
I drive a nice Ford F250 and toyhauler, has anyone ever been carjacked for a nice ride like mine?
I like to stay in the trailer parks, any special precautions I should take to make sure my truck isn't stolen?
I hear nothing ever happens in the tourist areas, where exactly are the non-tourist areas and are there bullet impregnable berms surrounding them?
It used to take me less than three hours from Gilbert to be on the beach in RP, how long can I expect now with the enhanced border security and why shouldn't I go to Hawaii instead?
What if I need healthcare while I am there, are the hospitals accessible?
I have a weak stomache and cannot stand the sight of dead bodies, what areas should I avoid so that I don't see any?
I never hear anything bad about Rocky Point and don't trust those lying Government travel warnings, so anything you can tell me to make my trip an enjoyable one will be most helpful.
Isn't that what the Roman's and a bunch of other's did, put their conquered enemies on display (crucifixions, etc.)Well lets not turn it into a rant sorry for my comment !
No, but I would recommend re-negotiating a price if rentingThe big question I need to cancel my trip down to RP this Friday?
No, as I recall the Subster was not kicked off just embarassed himself so many time he did not want to show his face here. WALMART, WALMART, WALMARTKicked? You are mistaken sir.
Is that Sub, or Is Happy back>![]()
Please Sub, keep your Smart @$$ comments to yourself.
Please delete this post Mr. Admin
Super, I feel better now.Obama has officially commented on it
He took pics said he'd post manana.Where's Eric? After that amazing story about the palm trees I expected a full report on this.
Ok, that was funny!I understand he has a plan for all Mexican cartel members to register on a new Website......
OK, 'cmon, that's funny!