oh, oh, lets not forget about the food!!! how could I!!!! Keith's jambalaya, to suck your finger, well the fork, afterall we are civilized, even if we can affrord the condos, we had Gray puppon, Chari's potatoes, mm,mm,mm, sorry Chari forgot what you call them, the important thing was the flavor, Kenny's coffe, you can smell it a mile away, why the way he is not tan is the amount of coffe he drinks that tints his skin, since I left Tucson right after my BP class all I had a chance was to get some awesome Pollo Lucas, Val's dip was to die for, although she gave us the recipe, I am keeping it to myself, you know like a RR!! pirates treasure and the rest brought a variety of drinks that you will think you were in some exotic island, some rums from I do not know where that tasted very nice and of course your typical Pacifico and needless to say your local tequila!!!! no lime no salt!!!! only in America, I mean the lime and salt!!!!