Funck - There are many charitable organizations in Rocky Point that are in need of financial donations. You can also target individuals who have specific special needs.
Me and my family have recently learned of a 16 year old girl who is experiencing a life threatening situation. Her name is Jocelyn. Jocelyn's body is rejecting her kidneys. Her parents cannot afford the life supporting drugs, or the medical care that she requires. She is on a list for kidney transplant. Jocelyn is a lovely young lady, and an excellent student. She was a school friend of my son's while he was attending school in Rocky Point. It is heart breaking to me and my family to see what is happening to Jocelyn. If you are interested in helping Jocelyn, or any other children with serious medical needs, please contact Alicia or Sandy at the Rocky Point Times.
Since my original post, Jocelyn is still waiting for a compatible kidney, and her health has degraded to the point that she can no longer attend school. She spends time between her home, and the Social Security hospital across the street from the Telmex office, downtown. She receives dialysis treatments on alternate days. Her medications are now provided by Social Security, but her family has other major expenses associated with sustaining her life. Students and her friends are involved in fund raising efforts.
Any contributions would be greatly appreciated by Jocelyn, her family, and all others who are working hard to provide whatever they are able to contribute toward saving this young girl's life. Various collection points are being set up around Puerto Penasco. Contributions can be made in the name of Jocelyn Alcaraz Guzman, and dropped off at the Rocky Point Times office, Reggie's at Fremont and Sinaloa, Rosy's Restaurant at No Reelection, just west of Constitution, and the restaurant at Lluvia Del Mar, on the boulevard as you enter town.