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Mexican Friendly PLAYA ENCANTO
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These are the Items addressed and implemented as of Monday
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Two new Guards from a private security company were hired on a temporary basis (unknown how long we will need them). These Guards will assist our guards. These new guards have a 12 hour shift. 9: am to 9: pm. [/FONT]
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The first names are Homer and Gaspar. They have Night sticks, Flash Lights, Pepper Spray and Radio communication. We are working on making their radios work on our Frequency. All of the cost is by the hour and include SS, Tax, Hourly wage, and Radio/ security equipment. (baton-Pepper Spray-Lettered "Security" clothing. [/FONT]
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The bottom road was closed by Trenching a ditch across the road in two places. One place at the Water pond east end of Encanto, Second at the West end of Encanto just before the entrance to La Jolla and Stera Maru road. The crossings are identified by 4' x 8' plywood signs "Road Closed Due To break Ins" (English and Spanish). 4" round orange electrical pipe on end and across the road to help visually. [/FONT]
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The guards have been and are doing a "stop and look" as well as taking Names and license plate numbers of all vehicles entering Playa Encanto. This is applied to all regardless of who they are!!!! The gate is not raised until the requirement is meant, either in or out.
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Name Identification Tags and Entrance permits will be available shortly. These will be given to Contractors entering Playa Encanto. Upon issuance, they will be required to enter and exit. They will still have to go through the "stop and look" procedure.[/FONT]
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The upper road will be watched by Christian and the water truck will keep it watered to eliminate Dust.[/FONT]
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Christian will install more speed bumps on the upper road to maintain slower vehicle speeds[/FONT]
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This has to stop!!!. We will be vigilant in our efforts to stop these break-ins. Christian will receive new Portable spot beam lights, Flashlights, Pepper spray, security vests (Fluorescent) and Baton's. All Encanto visitor, whether home owner or not must do their part and help to Night watch (and Daytime too) our beach homes.