What to include in a fishing first aid kit?



My dad just bought a boat for fishing. He plans to take it out on the lake soon. I want to give him a kit with first aid items or other misc items he might need. What should I include?


a lighter,a flare pistol,cell phone,duct tape,(in case wife is complaining),plenty of crown royal(also in case wife is complaining.


Dont forget a good multi purpose tool ie: leatherman and plenty of Crown Royal for Medicinal purposes only
A small Pelican box (waterproof) for his cellphone, plenty of sunscreen, and a nurse as his deckhand/first mate.......


Stay Thirsty My Friends
A bolt cutter capable of cutting an Owner 7/0 bait hook after he runs it through his finger 50 miles offshore....

That's all that was missing from my first aid kit this past December.
Hey Bob my trusty fish knife took care of that before we found your scalpel. I do have to admit that it would likley have hurt less if we had been able to cut the hook and not your finger.


Stay Thirsty My Friends
Hah- no kidding Bill- that was a pretty beefy hook. at least my finger healed up nice and fine.

Edna did a bang up nursing job- maybe SHE should be included in every sailor's first aid kit :)