Try not to bring it up but I think that people should know who they are dealing with, Rockytjoe you asked me if Chari is angry? how about the rest of us that were going on the deal together?
What ever the deal is not the problem the problems is that after someone looking and finally finding the permanent spot for the trailer, one of the so called prospective partners (Rockyptjoe)turns around and rents the spot for himself without even given the person that spent month looking and waiting for the spot a chance to let it have it.
How funny since you (Rockyptjoe) missed the morning meeting you did not know that we were going to rent the spot either this weekend or the next and if for some odd reason it did not happen you could have got it just by waiting a couple of weeks, now you only look like Rockyptjerk instead!!!
And yes, in case you have not got it yet Chari is not the only angry person with your deal!!!! :x :x
What ever happen to HAPPY? is the big eye on the sky watching?
What ever the deal is not the problem the problems is that after someone looking and finally finding the permanent spot for the trailer, one of the so called prospective partners (Rockyptjoe)turns around and rents the spot for himself without even given the person that spent month looking and waiting for the spot a chance to let it have it.
How funny since you (Rockyptjoe) missed the morning meeting you did not know that we were going to rent the spot either this weekend or the next and if for some odd reason it did not happen you could have got it just by waiting a couple of weeks, now you only look like Rockyptjerk instead!!!
And yes, in case you have not got it yet Chari is not the only angry person with your deal!!!! :x :x
What ever happen to HAPPY? is the big eye on the sky watching?