Whale Shark @ Bird Island

This is a video clip of the Whale Shark we saw and swam with at Bird Island on Sunday May 27, 2012 on our Fundraiser for the Adopt-A-Classroom... besides seeing this magnificent creature we raised $800 to help the less fortunate children of Rocky Point get the education they deserve...


Whale Shark Bird Island Rocky Point, Puerto Penasco, Mexico - YouTube
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Thanks Seadweller. We couldn't go this year, but hopefully next- how big was the whale shark? It looked amazing.
Thanks Seadweller. We couldn't go this year, but hopefully next- how big was the whale shark? It looked amazing.
We guesstimated it to be about a 20 footer... it was incredible, it seemed like it waited around until it was sure everyone that was going to ride it got a ride... and it also swam next to everyone on kayaks so they could get a close look... it was truly an amazing experience for all of us...


I hope they are there next weekend when we go diving at the Island... Still plenty of spots available for diving, snorkleing, and Kayaking at the Island.. We will be going out on the Eco-Fun all drinks, and snacks are provided with 1 low price
I know it has been coming around for many years, they are like migratory birds and they will follow the same route for many years... back when the "ISLAND EXPLORER" was still in service we came across this shark (not a whale) when we were coming home from the island and we all hopped off the boat in the middle of the sea to ride it... didn't have an underwater camera back then...


El Pirata
Yeah i stand corrected about it being a shark, I kind of think of whales as very friendly creatures and sharks as the opposite. Well down on an island across from Cancun Isla mujeres they have these sharks you can swim with. Some loco gringo told me they were sand sharks. anyone ever been?
Max... we couldn't have had as much fun without you and your family... Thank You... It truly was great to meet all of you too...