Well I'll be damned we got us a message board


What up amigos, in my last 15 years of being down here in the southland this is the first time I have run across this message board. I probly know a few of you on here for sure. Anyone have any decent weekend plans? We're probly headin out fishing Saturday morning then doin some offroading then onto tossin a few back at JJ's.

Hooch out


I like pie.
Staff member
rockypointonline.com's forum was offline for a long time, so we created this one, and called it our home.

Atleast the spammers won't hit us here ;-)

I just discovered this forum recently myself. It's great, ain't it! Welcome aboard, and I hope you post often and tell your friends so the forum will really take off!

La Huerita out. :sunny: