water shortage

How about a water use surcharge tax for rentals ? There is already a tax on rentals.
Pretty sure when you pay those high prices for a rental in Rocky Point, water is included. In other words, they city is already making money to resolve the water issue and is not using it for that purpose.


Pretty sure when you pay those high prices for a rental in Rocky Point, water is included. In other words, they city is already making money to resolve the water issue and is not using it for that purpose.
Pretty sure when you pay those high prices for a rental in Rocky Point, water is included. In other words, they city is already making money to resolve the water issue and is not using it for that purpose.
Now don't get Russ all stirred up.


Pretty sure when you pay those high prices for a rental in Rocky Point, water is included. In other words, they city is already making money to resolve the water issue and is not using it for that purpose.

We rented in LC again this year. You are not kidding about high prices. Water to the fill tank was a 100% coming out of the pipe into the tank. The problem was the nasty clogged up shower heads and sink heads. You rent it out for $430 + a day and you cant even put money back into it to make sure everything is working and looking good. Last 3 years the houses were not up to par for what was charge for them.

The rental pics you look at are from years earlier when the houses were freshly painted and well kept. Don't be fooled by the description you read and pics you see.

They couldn't even give you hand soap in the bathrooms or 2 full rolls of tp. Wind and fishing stunk second year in a row.

Done with renting houses down there, I would rather spend less on a nice hotel room.

I haven't seen so many pan handlers and bums in all the years we been going down. Its not getting better down there.
when we did rent out house in LC, we gave an opportunity to the renters to tell us what was wrong or could be improved by writing in a diary we had in the house. We stopped renting 9 years ago because the renters started to not care about the property they were renting. There was always something broken. Once they even hacksaw a padlock off an area they were not to use. Our property manager at the time , Oceana, told us that we expected too much That people saved all year to enjoy themselves. We where to expect things broken etc. That is when we stopped renting. Before we bought we rented for over 10 years and treated the homes as if it was out own. We got the idea of a diary from a rental we did. So if the house you rented has been told to expect broken things, etc then of course they have the mentality of don't keep up the property but collect the rent. Those of us who keep up our property DON'T RENT just for that reason.
We rented in LC again this year. You are not kidding about high prices. Water to the fill tank was a 100% coming out of the pipe into the tank. The problem was the nasty clogged up shower heads and sink heads. You rent it out for $430 + a day and you cant even put money back into it to make sure everything is working and looking good. Last 3 years the houses were not up to par for what was charge for them.

The rental pics you look at are from years earlier when the houses were freshly painted and well kept. Don't be fooled by the description you read and pics you see.

They couldn't even give you hand soap in the bathrooms or 2 full rolls of tp. Wind and fishing stunk second year in a row.

Done with renting houses down there, I would rather spend less on a nice hotel room.

I haven't seen so many pan handlers and bums in all the years we been going down. Its not getting better down there.
Yeah, in rentals it is a good idea to bring toiletries with, and otherwise not be presumptuous about hotel-style service / amenities. I rented in LC for years before eventually purchasing, and learned to rent different properties until finding the best kept property . . . then sticking with it. Also, on any ocean, wind, fishing and censorship sometimes don’t go as ordered up.


II have had rentals in RP for 20 years. My problems with renters have been few. Mine are not house but condo which may be the difference. I had problems at LP with the property manager. They would say my condo was empty and my neighbors would tell me the opposite. I had few problems at Sonoran Spa. And now I only have a one bedroom at Bella. I have the same person cleaning so she knows what to look for. Plus I go every other month and stay 3 or 4 days in the unit. That being said, I have been in some units friends have rented and they were in poor shape. Some friends rented a condo on the web and we went to see them and there were no glasses and few dishes. They got a great rate but all they did was complain and tell others not to go to Penasco because the rentals are not maintained.


If you are unhappy with a property you rented or as an owner, the management service , here's a new one to try. Manager is a good friend and the company is wanting to grow. They have very significant resources and experience in managing resorts, wanting to expand into home and condo management and rentals in the US and Mexico.

KIVOYA Web Site KIVOYA.COM Mex 638 113 0109, email armondo@kivoya.com I will check for a us number as well.


In the advertising the toiletries are to be there. Im not talking about tooth paste, shaving cream or shampoo. Toilet paper and hand soap, not asking to much for what is being paid for on the rental. I have tried a different house every time we have been going down, found one that was nice and it was sold and not rented out anymore. 3 yrs ago stayed at house that the lower level got flooded out by the tide and had mold and water damage on the whole lower level. Not livable, and no refund available. You can leave, but you wont get your money back.

Not trying to blow smoke up anyone's butt. The houses are not taken care of for what is charged for them, condos I don't know about only rented a couple and were nice and that was 14 years ago when we only had one child. I have first hand experience and thousands of dollars and time wasted renting houses down there.

If you want to know more about how well kept the house was, ceiling fans could not turn lights off, you had to turn fan off also at night. Other ceiling fan in bedroom chain was missing from fan. Toilet in one bathroom strap between handle and water stop was broke and fixed with a safety pin, which worked for one flush. Half the door lock were frozen, front door looked like someone tried kicking it in and bottom door frame barley holding together. Now that makes me feel safe for my family!

So many air leaks around doors and window, because no seals were installed. AC units ran 24 hrs a day never shutting off and could only cool to 82 degrees at night.

Person that rented next to us thought AC was in whole house found out had one mini split system in one room only. Miss advertisement.

The owners must pay the rental place(s) to maintain them and nothing gets done. But a tip jar is waiting for your tip on the counter.

Im not trying to tell anyone not to go to PP, Im sharing my last experience there. You make your own bed your going to lie in. If what I told you works for you, go for it. This is the 3rd strike for this ball player. Not wasting my hard errand money anymore.

The fishing/wind part, that's why they call it fishing and not catching.
I was thinking that with all of he monsoon rains in Southern Arizona & around the border that the acquifers might be doing better.


In Idaho river rafters had to wait till near August 1 to start running the Payette...scary fast...can't imagine the class 5 stuff now....Three drownings so far near Boise.
Had to replace the ac drip pan yesterday. Not sure but thinking the condensate is probably a gallon every 2-3 hours. Times that by how many units just at the resorts and maybe that’s 10,000 gallons a day? Maybe not completely potable but could be filtered or just used for landscaping. Just throwing ideas out there
Had to replace the ac drip pan yesterday. Not sure but thinking the condensate is probably a gallon every 2-3 hours. Times that by how many units just at the resorts and maybe that’s 10,000 gallons a day? Maybe not completely potable but could be filtered or just used for landscaping. Just throwing ideas out there
I think about capturing condensate from all HVAC units in Phoenix-a bonanza of fresh water with many uses. Mostly wasted currently.