Warning - Don't Travel to Wisconsin!

Where are the screaming headlines on this one? Where is the consulate warning? I would like to see stats on the number of "foreign visitors" that are victims of crime when visiting the U.S. - i have to imagine it is much higher than those visiting Mexico - but i'm just playing a hunch.


Lovin it in RP!
My wife just got back from her walk on the beach with her friend. She could not believe the news from Wisconsin. I am sure we will live here until we die. We love Penasco and there is no reason to be anywhere else! AJUA Enjoy your life!
Now another shooting in Detroit. The ironic thing is - is that it appears most of the violence in Mexico is bad guy on bad guy or bad guy on law enforcement. Most of the violence in the united states is bad guy on innocent victims. Not that there isn't run of the mill burglary, robbery etc - I'm talking about the larger acts that get headlines.


Ooooo, oooo, I missed that, what are the details, was it a masacre, who was shot, was there blood, can I get a recap !!!! I did read that a man drowned in MIchigan, was that related ?? I'm never going there !!


PIF Puerto Peñasco
Where is the Mexican Embassy? I need to request asylum because I am afraid to re-enter the USA I hear there are gangs and bodies on all the street corners and the government is corrupt and even the chicken sammy's are unsafe to eat.... plus shrimp season will be starting soon here and except for Leviticus I hear is okay to eat .... I demand asylum in mexico because I LOVE shrimp and based on that fact alone I am in danger of a stoning or something if I return and I know chicken is safe and acceptable but I'm sorry tasty fresh Sea of Cortez shrimp taste nothing like chicken.... I can already here the controversy brewing and the chicken and shrimp cartels battling out in the streets of Arizona ... therefore I must stay in mexico were chicken and shrimp and machaca beef are treated equal! *contacts embassy with my plea for safe harbor*