Stay Thirsty My Friends
Ok, depending on who you ask, the Grouper tournament did not happen this past weekend due to either:
A) Financial reasons (aka- no prize money)
B) Excessive wind and unsafe boating conditions in the weather forecast.
So as a result, no one showed up last Friday night at Capones to register for the tourney.
But, what's a guy to do when he already booked the time off work? So, Trent and I decided to drive down anyway on Saturday evening, determined that if Sunday was even REMOTELY decent weather-wise, then we were going to go fishing.
and boy, when we rolled in on Saturday- condition "B" above was 100% accurate- the Port Captain raised the red flag and closed the Port on Saturday- wind conditions were fierce. It even took me several attempts to get the boat into the slip without bashing the hull - there were actual waves in the harbor. Over dinner, we ran into Audi and when I told him we were going fishing Sunday morning, he looked at me like I was from outer space. When I told him we were leaving port at 4am in order to be on our spot for the 7am high tide, he looked at me like I was a raving lunatic.
But, come 4am Sunday, leave port we did, and we took a long, slow, spray soaked drive to one of our favorite grouper spots, and when the tide changed between 7 and 9am we caught 3 Gulfies.
Mine was about 50 pounds, and both of Trent's were 80+ pound Hogzillas- including the 88# monster in the pic below, which I'm sure could have been a contender for the top slot if the tourney had actually taken place...
The rest of Sunday was a bust, unless you count the Sierras that kept grabbing anything shiny that we sent over the side.
On Monday morning we ran out to Caballo for a half day and picked up a couple Pintos, and had some breakoffs in the rocks, but not much else worth noting. We were back on the road home by 4pm...
Also FYI for the offshore gang- the blue water is only 7 miles out on a 175 heading, and numerous Sails have been spotted (we saw one near the Caballo on Monday), and the "About Time" actually pinned one on the troll Sunday afternoon, but could not get it boat side.
The green/blue water line is clearly marked, lined with weeds, and there is a 5 degree temp swing on the breakline - We could be in for an awesome offshore summer if conditions stay that way (unless the wind continues to keep us locked up at the dock)

A) Financial reasons (aka- no prize money)
B) Excessive wind and unsafe boating conditions in the weather forecast.
So as a result, no one showed up last Friday night at Capones to register for the tourney.
But, what's a guy to do when he already booked the time off work? So, Trent and I decided to drive down anyway on Saturday evening, determined that if Sunday was even REMOTELY decent weather-wise, then we were going to go fishing.
and boy, when we rolled in on Saturday- condition "B" above was 100% accurate- the Port Captain raised the red flag and closed the Port on Saturday- wind conditions were fierce. It even took me several attempts to get the boat into the slip without bashing the hull - there were actual waves in the harbor. Over dinner, we ran into Audi and when I told him we were going fishing Sunday morning, he looked at me like I was from outer space. When I told him we were leaving port at 4am in order to be on our spot for the 7am high tide, he looked at me like I was a raving lunatic.
But, come 4am Sunday, leave port we did, and we took a long, slow, spray soaked drive to one of our favorite grouper spots, and when the tide changed between 7 and 9am we caught 3 Gulfies.
Mine was about 50 pounds, and both of Trent's were 80+ pound Hogzillas- including the 88# monster in the pic below, which I'm sure could have been a contender for the top slot if the tourney had actually taken place...
The rest of Sunday was a bust, unless you count the Sierras that kept grabbing anything shiny that we sent over the side.
On Monday morning we ran out to Caballo for a half day and picked up a couple Pintos, and had some breakoffs in the rocks, but not much else worth noting. We were back on the road home by 4pm...
Also FYI for the offshore gang- the blue water is only 7 miles out on a 175 heading, and numerous Sails have been spotted (we saw one near the Caballo on Monday), and the "About Time" actually pinned one on the troll Sunday afternoon, but could not get it boat side.
The green/blue water line is clearly marked, lined with weeds, and there is a 5 degree temp swing on the breakline - We could be in for an awesome offshore summer if conditions stay that way (unless the wind continues to keep us locked up at the dock)