WalMart Announcement



Sorry Submarine, you're incorrect on the work comp issue. I work in occ health, and do work comp exams all day. Alot of people have the misconception that just because something happens at work, it is automatically covered under workers compensation. Not true, and this guy is a perfect example.

If you have a pre-existing condition, and it's the reason you have an incident, it's not necessarily "caused by" work. Ex: If you have a seizure disorder, and have a seizure at work and sustain injury as a result, it's not a work comp case. You would have had that seizure and subsequent injury no matter where you were that day! Same with heart disease. If you have a heart attack sitting at your desk, it's not work comp.

Another example: You're simply walking thru a warehouse, and for no reason at all you develop knee pain. You didn't trip or twist, there was no wet floor, no barriers, etc. Nothing at work contributed or incited the pain. You happen to be morbidly obese, and Xray shows your knees have degenerated to "bone on bone"...that explains the pain. Again, not a work comp case. But if you have chronic knee pain, and slip on a wet floor therefore twisting your knee, it is covered. Work did contribute or cause your current symptoms.

Hope that makes sense. :D


Lets see, where was I ? Oh, HEMP :D . :arrow: "In 1916, USDA Bulletin No. 404, reported that one acre of cannabis hemp, in annual rotation over a 20-year period, would produce as much pulp for paper as 4.1 acres of trees being cut down over the same 20-year period. This process would use only 1/4 to 1/7 as much polluting sulfur-based acid chemicals to break down the glue-like lignin that binds the fibers of the pulp, or even none at all using soda ash. The problem of dioxin contamination of rivers is avoided in the hemp paper making process, which does not need to use chlorine bleach (as the wood pulp paper making process requires) but instead safely substitutes hydrogen peroxide in the bleaching process. ... If the new (1916) hemp pulp paper process were legal today, it would soon replace about 70% of all wood pulp paper, including computer printout paper, corrugated boxes and paper bags".


So if a guy who hated Walmart waited till that happy old greeter bastard (a modern day Judas goat) went on break and preceded to beat the old dude with a can of soda in a Hanes tube sock he had just shoplifted (along with some castmaster lures) would the old geezer be covered by workmans comp?


BienVida said:
Sorry Submarine, you're incorrect on the work comp issue. I work in occ health, and do work comp exams all day. Alot of people have the misconception that just because something happens at work, it is automatically covered under workers compensation. Not true, and this guy is a perfect example.

If you have a pre-existing condition, and it's the reason you have an incident, it's not necessarily "caused by" work. Ex: If you have a seizure disorder, and have a seizure at work and sustain injury as a result, it's not a work comp case. You would have had that seizure and subsequent injury no matter where you were that day! Same with heart disease. If you have a heart attack sitting at your desk, it's not work comp.

Another example: You're simply walking thru a warehouse, and for no reason at all you develop knee pain. You didn't trip or twist, there was no wet floor, no barriers, etc. Nothing at work contributed or incited the pain. You happen to be morbidly obese, and Xray shows your knees have degenerated to "bone on bone"...that explains the pain. Again, not a work comp case. But if you have chronic knee pain, and slip on a wet floor therefore twisting your knee, it is covered. Work did contribute or cause your current symptoms.

Hope that makes sense. :D
I appreciate your post, but my statement, that it is generally considered common knowledge when you are hurt at work that you are covered under AZ Workers Comp etc, is generally true. Obviously there are exceptions but Walmart; in my, the Teagues, Herm's lawyer, and lower courts opinion unjustly denied Herm compensation. Walmart has a history of abusing their employees by unjustly denying WC payments and will spend ungodly amounts of money to do so. I also stated "On the job" not just limiting it to "At work", which would also be generally true, but now this right has been greatly diluted thanks to Walmart. An employee can also 'opt out' of AZ's WC system altogether and simply sue to recover medical costs and damages. So while I appreciate your perspective examining WC patients, there is a lot more going on that you probably don't see on a regular basis.

Do you work for MBI by any chance?


Roberto said:
Now, now Bien Vida, Uncle Sub knows more about all these things than we do. Just relax and Uncle Sub will take care of everything.
Unlike you Bob, I'm not an Uncle, nor a Grandfather, nor a Great Uncle, nor a Father, nor a Baby's Daddy.

Sub, I'm not going to stoop to the level of name calling and insults because you are better at it than me, also better at distortion and twisting someone else's words around.
True, but too late.

I also won't get into a battle of wits with an unarmed person.
Cliche's? Really? I'm disappointed.

You need to put that disclaimer back on your posts, you remember the one that says whatever you post is meaningless drivel with lots of random unchecked facts etc.
Fine as long as we come up with one about Senility for you.

You seem to come up with a lot of those, too much time on your hands I guess all you have to do is troll the internet for stupidities to support your preconceptions.
Hmmm, or I could just come up with unsupported bullshit like you do. Hey aren't you retired? You should be able to come up with something more substantial other than insults. Oh, but you aren't doing that are you?

Read the article over again yourself, but try to have an open mind. Difficult I know, but you can do it Subby, you can do it.
Wow, and I thought you were going to be insulting! Little crotchety today Bob! What is the Pharmacia all out of your Viagra?

Little disappointed that Miami wasn't the Paradise you and Dry Heat thought it was?

On second thought Bob, enjoy your new Walmart. That is exactly where the kind of person you are belongs, and one more reason for me not to shop there. Reason #1142242423556 in fact.


Kelney said:
I look at it this way. I would rather see development that benefits the local population rather than the tourist industry. Would you rather see a Wally World or another condo project? I know one will create a longer border wait for me and one will not.

I really just want a decent marina that does not hose its customers with BS fees.
So would I , but I strongly feel that Walmart benefits only Walmart and not the local population in any meaningful way. My Mom saw firsthand how Walmart can damage a community. Watch Walmart: The high cost of low prices documentary and tell me if you feel the same way.


2 salty dawgs
I'm a wal-mart hater - and I live less than 2 miles from one.
I will not shop there, period.
cheap prices are not everything.


There is always a thread about Mexican corruption or big talk about it in the papers, etc. how is it that nobody name this and other USA cases corruption? specially when it comes to famous or should it be infamous Wal-mart?


Walmart buys a lot of advertising so they are treated pretty leniently by the mainstream media in my opinion, especially newspapers. Most newspapers are barely keeping their heads above water right now so they desparately need those advertising dollars.


Submarine said:
Walmart buys a lot of advertising so they are treated pretty leniently by the mainstream media in my opinion, especially newspapers. Most newspapers are barely keeping their heads above water right now so they desparately need those advertising dollars.
Agreed, however there are many other cases that are corrupted or will be consider corruption by many people here an elsewhere, however they are not mention or if mention seems like they always get swept under the carpet, reaLLY fast, which is already getting pretty thick with all the garbage under it, IMHO :eek:

PS: specially politics/politicians but that is another thread along with the religion one!!!! :eek3:


Read the article again there Bob, the family wasn't suing for big $, just their bills to be covered. The Teagues were good people, not gold diggers. I'm sure you were very impartial while sharing their story though.

Gee, employees on the job wouldn't badmouth walmart? I'm so surprised! Might want to check some facts against your 'interviews'. Did you happen to ask any of those employees if they had to use KidsCare or other Government aid because Walmart won't step up?

I used to see a dozen Walmart employees every day. They were 'happy' too, happy because they didn't know how bad they were getting screwed. I happily educated them about what Walmart could afford and what comparable companies were paying for. None of them work for Walmart anymore and they still thank me for opening their eyes. One favorite comment was "I see what you mean about Corporate greed now." Opening their eyes to such facts as that less than 50% of Walmart employees are covered by their health plan when, on average, 64% of employees nationally in companies larger than 5000 employees are covered. Facts like more than 80% of Costco employees are covered by their employers health plan. Facts like Walmarts policy of making you call in sick for 2 days unpaid before you receive sick pay on your third day is unconscionable. Facts like Walmart makes you wait 1 year for health benefits when the national average is 3 months. I'd go on but that is probably a bit too much for you to chew on.

Hey, did you tour 'arty' Miami while you were at it?

Add "Professional Tool" to your business cards.

Oh, my G/F read your post(s) and said "You can't fix stupid, and that guy is terminal." Thought I'd share.
ding ding ding....Roberto and Sub...both of you back to your respective corners....this round is over!!!! :lol: :twisted: :roll:

dry heat

Pigeon coup coordinator
there is corruption in everything (religion, family, politics, employers, employees, mom, dad, etc.) so who care's where one shops or eats or sh*ts. If it bothers you then don't go to those places.

I go to walmart because I want to support the 12 year that is making my chinese toxic product.


Roberto - Your comment was real chicken shit. We can differ on opinions without getting real nasty,when you start to threaten folks beware of the fallout.


Dryheat I just can't picture you shopping for condo furnishings at Walmart spiffy wardrobe upgrades? na hunting and fishin stuff? to messy beef jerky and china made cheetos? not possible large quantities of cold medicine for the best meth lab in Las Palomas? maybe


I'm sure UPS would be very happy to know that one of their employees is educating some of their customers employees so well !!
That was a threat bobby boy, though it wouldnt get you the results you wish. You might want to listen to your pal Gunner.

I'll pass your assessment about Herm on to his family, along with directions to your house.


jerry said:
Dryheat I just can't picture you shopping for condo furnishings at Walmart spiffy wardrobe upgrades? na hunting and fishin stuff? to messy beef jerky and china made cheetos? not possible large quantities of cold medicine for the best meth lab in Las Palomas? maybe
You have it all wrong Jerry. He makes special trips to Miami where he can load up at non-city-tax paying Walmart goods along with obselete appliances from HyTyme and art from Miami's "art" district to ship to his condo in Dubai.