
We go down a couple times a year, usually for about 4 days. I'd read on this forum that you supposedly need a Visa if staying more than 72 hours.

Can any one tell me, do I need to get visas for my family if we're going longer?
And if so, where is the most convenient place to get one? I heard you can go to a travel agent to avoid a stop at the border.

Then again, I don't see how any one could prove that you've been there for more than 72 hours since you don't check in on the way into Mexico...



Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Nobody is going to check for a visa in Rocky Point, I wouldn't sweat it or even bother to get one.

That said, if you go further south (say, San Carlos) you are well-advised to get a visa at the 21km checkpoint. The tourist visa is issued for free, but you are supposed to go to a bank within 24 hours or so and pay the fee associated with it. They do *not* collect money for the visa at the checkpoint. The going rate was about $21 if I remember correctly and the visa is good for multiple entries up to 180 days before it expires. Nobody "official" checks for a visa in San Carlos either, but it is often asked for when you do certain things, like put your boat in the marina. They make a copy of your visa and put it in your file, along with your boat paperwork, insurance, etc. You may also be asked for it if you are renting a home for a couple of weeks or a month.