Vegas flights


Lovin it in RP!
Rosie has the connections, I don't have any connections but one of the admins at the airport told me they are prepared to fly empty for up to 6 months and yet they don't have to because people are using the service. I know of a group of 10 flying in in September and again in October from Vegas. Keep in mind too that the season for the American leisure traveler won't begin until October add to that that currently the worlds largest airline, Delta has the AeroMexico flights in it's system...I think you will see (I think strongly on this) some marketing back east to get out of Chicago for golf in the winter to both Vegas and Peñasco. We will see. There is a lot of hard work going on behind the scenes by a large number of people to make this work and keep it going and even add to it. They are not treating this like a "crap shoot" they are managing it well.


I know of a couple of sold seats in August!

At the LAS (McCarren) airport --
Does anyone know about how long it will take to board in Las Vegas? The connecting Southwest flight coming into Vegas will only be about an hour before the AeroMexico flight leaves. Also how long will it take to get from Terminal 1 (Southwest) to Terminal 3 (AeroMexico). Someone had mentioned here that the JetPurple boarding would be very quick since it's such a small airline / airport.

Sorry if these questions seem so basic - but I very seldom fly. And, no this flight is not for me, either, but so family can visit.



As long as the Southwest flight is on time or no more than 20-30 minutes late, then they will be fine. Any later, and it's trouble since this is the only flight to Penasco.

As for Jet Purple, that is a proposed airline out of Scottsdale, AZ not related to the Vegas flights that your guests are taking.


Thanks Ben21--
I know the flights are different -- just wondering if the boarding would be as fast. Hoping since the AeroMex flight is relatively small (even though larger than JetPurple) it would still be quick. They always tell you to be there at least 2 hours early for an international flight so I was concerned that the transfer time would be too short. Especially since there's no more flights for days. Then they'd have to catch a flight to Phoenix and we'd have to go pick them up.

Thanks for the reassurance!


Where are they originally flying from? They might be able to check in w/ aeromexico at their original destination. Otherwise you might want to see if southwest has an earlier flight. I know southwest doesn't charge for change fees. They could even come in the night before and get a cheap hotel in vegas for the night to be sure. The airport in vegas is right by the strip and there are plenty of cheap hotel options.

Usually when you fly international your passports are checked at your departure point. However in this case, it looks like your friends have 2 separate itineraries/tickets... One from SW and one from aeromexico.


Yes, they have 2 itineraries. They are flying in from Austin, TX. There are lots of earlier flights - but they are all a LOT earlier. We did consider setting up the Austin to Las Vegas for the day before, but decided against it.

Since the itineraries are separate, I guess they get their passports checked in Vegas rather than Austin?


Since the itineraries are separate, I guess they get their passports checked in Vegas rather than Austin?
This is correct unless aeromexico has a presence in Austin and would be willing to check them in there, which I doubt. I would consider changing the SW flight to get them to Vegas earlier since SW doesn't charge change fees. Even a 30 minute delay could cause a huge headache for you and your friends. They can always gamble at the airport slot machines, or take a quick taxi over to the strip for lunch while they wait.

One other thing, make sure their passports are legible and not worn out. We were flying to Mexico last year and somebody in our party wasn't allowed on the flight b/c Mexican immigration officials were turning people back if they couldn't clearly read the passport.


Thanks for the advice. I'll have them check their passports.

The "tightness" of the layover does make me nervous, but it's really the only flight that works for them.


Thanks for the advice. I'll have them check their passports.

The "tightness" of the layover does make me nervous, but it's really the only flight that works for them.
If they fly to Tucson I will give them a ride for 200 bucks