US May Ban All Wildlife Imports From MX To Protect Vaquita


Talk to the Asians about farming for fish and wildlife. That's where the demand is, and they wouldn't have to depend on imports. They could start their own rhino farms, totoaba coves and vacquita pools to supply wealthy Asians who still believe in folk medicines that are generally dismissed by the world's doctors.


I’ve always wondered why the totoaba isn’t farmed like salmon?
They are allowed to export farmed Totoaba now..
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Mexico isnt even trying.The coastal highway was full of wobbly trailers pulling many pangas north from as far south as Puerto Libertad last week to for one poach the spawning shrimp. They follow them back down the coast .The pangas were packed with gill nets. My bet is they will deliberatly kill the remainder to make the issue moot if the US does this justifiable but maybe counter productive move.
Probably 100 plus "wobbly trailers" dragging pangas from as far away as Guymas as per the ID tags on the boats at El Golfo last Sunday. Heaps of fresh blue monofilament gill nets piled on the decks. Many scattered along the Coastal Hwy with broken axles or no spare wheel. Big windfall for the single llantera hombre in El Golfo. He is a smart shit though with many little signs with his "llantera mobile" along the road as soon as you leave PP. His yard is filled with llanatas usado especially for the little chicken shit rice burners from Kali.

I doubt that they were awaiting the soon to come Cannon Ball Jelly harvest.

Common sense would make an intelligent "person" pull an irritating thorn out of his ass as in the most endangered porpoise in the world. Once gone the the irritant no longer exists.

Happy times for the dick hard giant sea bass "maws".
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From our 27 years owning property, and living in Mx 75 % of the time, no new laws, rules, regulations, domestic or international, will be respected to any degree by the people in our area of Mexico. (Our indigenous folks are quite different than populations in the south.) They have no respect for the rule of law, and don't gives a rat's ass about conservation, or the extinction of the Vaquita, shrimp, or any other living creature other than themselves.


From our 27 years owning property, and living in Mx 75 % of the time, no new laws, rules, regulations, domestic or international, will be respected to any degree by the people in our area of Mexico. (Our indigenous folks are quite different than populations in the south.) They have no respect for the rule of law, and don't gives a rat's ass about conservation, or the extinction of the Vaquita, shrimp, or any other living creature other than themselves.


You can say that again Joan.
Applies to my old rancher neighbors in Bowie az. If it moved they would kill it….all about the cows.
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Seems odd they'd be bringing Totoaba bladders into the US when the market is in Asia. I'd expect the ships coming from China for making fentanyl in Mexico would be the ones ferrying back the bladders.


The US must take steps to stop all commercial Mexican fish and seafood from entering. If the commercial operations in Penasco withered away and died, no loss....just gain for the world.
How true Joan,

How about a ban on Mexican avocados, asparagus, tomatoes and almost every other damned type of produce than can be grown right here in the FUSA?


An alternative is someone develops a market for the bladders of Mexican fishermen. China is a good bet as a big market. Can you imagine what advertising the bladders could promise 700 million Chinese men?
And plenty of heartburn...................

Do a Goggle search on "FISH MAWS".

You won't believe what those primitive recent cave dwelling animistic religion imagined cure all that those squatters use "FISH MAWS" for.

Small packages are online and for sale here in the FUSA for hundreds of dollars.

From what I have read the tasteless dried ground up maws are reconstituted into a soup or broth that more than anything else resembles the sex lubricant known as KY Jelly.

They seem to rub and slather it on anything from the top of a bald head, all wrinkles from head to toe, instant erection juice, armpit and crotch de-odorizer to just a "feel-good" addition to their daily diet.

Man am I glad that they make almost all of the "modern" farmacia products that we pay so dearly for to include the Woo-Floo Clot-Shot.


Mexico works hard on maintaining its 3rd, or maybe 4th world, status.

I'm not sure we all are up to date on just how corrupt are Mexican government people.

The US has cancelled this program in Laredo to assist migrants.

"Migrants in Mexico seeking to travel to the U.S. had been encouraged to use the free U.S. Customs and Border Protection CBP One app, launched in 2020, to submit information in advance and schedule an appointment at authorized border crossings.

Some asylum seekers told the AP that Mexican officials in Nuevo Laredo had threatened to detain them and prevent them from attending their scheduled asylum appointments unless they paid a bribe. Humanitarian organizations in Laredo had also reportedly alerted the CBP."

Our family made a mistake in choosing to invest and live in Mexico rather than Costa Rica.