Ugh, finally made it.


I like pie.
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Hope no one got stuck in the same line as I did!

We were one of the first cars that got stopped around 2pm-ish, they closed the road right before Lukeville for 4 hours, waiting on Helicopters, then tow trucks... etc..

Finally got through... but that was a long ass 4 hours in the sun!



They were passing on a hill and double yellow line!
Fridays are very dangerous for travel to Rocky Point.


I like pie.
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Roberto said:
When did the traffic start to flow? We crossed to Lukeville at 2:15 on our way to Ajo and were advised to wait there rather than proceeding to Why. I had heard that the traffic was backed up for 5 or 6 miles toward Why and I bet the line was much longer on the other side as prior to the accident there was consistent traffic inbound to Mexico. I heard also that it was a head on collision involving 3 vehicles and there were a couple of deaths. It occured a few miles from Why, effectively blocking traffic to both Phoenix and Tucson. I bet the local EMTs were stretched far beyond their limits. That is a very isolated area.

We watched for traffic to start to flow to the border and got excited when we spotted a couple of cars, but they were people who were waiting in line and decided to come back to Lukeville. Some were worried about running out of gas. One guy reported he saw a helicopter take off from the crash site, then return later or perhaps it was a second one. I visited with several people who were trying to find an alternate route to Tucson. The store and gas station at Lukeville were crowded with vehicles and people. Many got out the beach chairs, I didn't see any drinking though. The restaurant was jammed. We left Lukeville to return to Penasco at about 5:30.
They let the front of the line start moving around 6:30/7, but it was so backed up who knows when traffic went back to normal.

If I wasn't going to lose my $600 deposit for the condo, I would have turned around for sure.


I like pie.
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Ah, I see you were going the other way, as we were driving into RP.

There were two helicopters that went, one came, picked up people and left, and then another came, flew around for a bit, not sure if they picked up anyone.

Then several EMT's came, maybe 4-5, firetrucks, lots of DPS, etc.

Finally two tow trucks came and got the cars. I have pictures of the cars after the wreck, I'll upload them once I get back to Phoenix, it was pretty bad...


I like pie.
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rikyt said:
They were passing on a hill and double yellow line!
Fridays are very dangerous for travel to Rocky Point.
Yep, and funny enough (well not funny) but people that were behind us were STILL crossing on a double yellow line into mexico, AFTER waiting 4 hours because of that wreck. I was scared to pass anyone because I just witnessed what happens when shit doesn't go in your favor.


The border partol said three dead and two air lifted out. We got in line line at four and crossed the border at 9:00. The accident happend in a no passing zone... Fu%^$g idiots...


I like pie.
Staff member
The pictures of the cars didnt turn out... so here's pictures of the helicopters =D