If you trash pickers want a real windfall, take a short trip down to Bahia San Jorge. You can avoid the gated entrance and the asshole guard that thinks he has total command over that stretch of beach by turning off a mile or so north of the sign and gate. There is an adobe building at the turnoff in its last stages of melting away into history. Don't stop though as every human bean that passes it has deposited his or her share of shit in and outside of the shack. Wanna study black shit eating flies? This dirt road will lead you over to the big fish ca
mp and ruins of the gold milling and pier where the gold was loaded onto pangas then out to sea where the big ships anchored. On the way you will pass literally tons of rotting bycatch and the remains of whatever the pangeros "cleaned" before shipping it back to PP in "refrigerated" box trucks.
Take a left turn on the beach, once there toss your ride into 4x4 and plow your way thru the deep soft sand and before you realize it you will be on the filthiest beach that you can possibly imagine. The marine trash of which 99% is without a doubt tossed overboard by the lazy Mexican fishermen is an absolute wonderment.
Most of the beach trail above the high tide line is nothing but solid garbage. As you drive, the sound of bursting soda pop bottles will give the place an eerie background effect. In some places the crap has been windblown beyond the beach fifty or sixty feet. The windrows of plastic and glass bottles, beer cans, fish nets, fish traps, light bulbs, shrimp sorting gloves, white fisherman boots, mismatched flip-flops, designer sports shoes, peptobismal bottles, hydration drink bottles, kids toys, womens bras and panties, boogie boards, rotoplast kayaks, boat scrap and dead animal bones and carcasses is beyond belief and actually several feet deep in places.
And Gringos actually have luxury beach homes there!
Might take a hundred semi truck trailer loads just to make a dent in it.
Just saying,
https://www.amazon.com/Gillespies-Gold-Southwests-Incredible-Millionaire/dp/B0006C9MC4 This was the miner..