This Is Whale/Ballenas Watching Centrale !

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life

Attention good-spirited and open minded people calling this great city home now, or soon in the future:

With great respect to tourist jerry, what she hopes we accept as our reality are just online media opinions she has dug up, written by peeps who have an agenda she supports. It seems jerry and her close supporters envy or are jealous of what we have by living here. jerry and a few of her dedicated likkers are very good at copying and pasting online articles from strangers to support their negative agenda on everything Rocky Point. So far they offer nothing of value from actual experience, study or knowledge. I suggest folks who live here really don't need drive by tourists doing our google searches, or telling us what to think based on their personal agendas or issues.

If you are not mean spirited you will be welcomed when you are fortunate enough to be able to live in Penasco.

The verdict is in: HAPPY!


2 salty dawgs
I'm not sure the whale watching at the north end of the Sea of Cortez can match the south end where it meets the Pacific
I think the whales are more plentiful around Los Cabos. We'll be out with Cap't Bob in a few weeks hoping to catch a breach or 2 on this boat.
l'atitude 32.jpg