Thinking of Harold...

Harold was released from Mayo Clinic Scottsdale late last night after we spoke with him and Kathy over the phone... He still has a slight fever and his blood pressure is still just a tad high but it's under control and coming down...

On behalf of Harold, I can honestly say that he greatly appreciates all of your thoughts, prayers and get well wishes...

Thanks everybody...


WOW! Thanks guys! We appreciate all your kind thoughts and prayers, they really work. Food distribution is on for the 15th (thank God for Safesend) so all are welcome. I'm feeling stronger every day and can't wait to get back down.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
We saw Harold and Kathy at food distribution yesterday and Harold, you look great! I'm so glad to help when I can, even if it means unfolding 500 plastic bags..LOL! My poor fingers.....I'm so proud to be your friend...

Rocky Point Mom

As Harold's wife...I really want to thank all of you for your thoughts and especially your prayers. They mean a lot to us. We are so fortunate to have two families, here in the U.S. and our families in Rocky Point. Special thanks to our friends Mark and Barb! Love you both. Harold is doing well. Hope to see you all soon! And Ms. Lady Jeeper, your hands did wonderful work!