All this while one of the party's priorities is building 700 more miles of fence and doubling the number of guards on the border before they will even consider a immigration policy; the other is abortion. Do you really want to know what happened to the Motor city? read this!
Detroit Reporters Criticize Right-Wing Media's Anti-Obama Bankruptcy Coverage | Blog | Media Matters for America
Can't do it, can you Kenny? You can't hold a discussion without a liberal vs. right wing slant?
Leave the politics out of it. What happened in Detroit is due to:
A) Loss of manufacturing (auto industry now all but gone)
B) Mass exodus of the tax paying population due to rampant crime, unemployment and a failing economy (aka "white flight," as commonly described). Do you know what the average response time is if you call the police in Detroit? 58 minutes. Do you know what the nationwide average is? 11-12 minutes.
C) Rampant corruption amongst elected officials.
D) Overly generous union contracts/retirement/benefits. What's ironic is that the union folks will now be on the bottom of the totem pole in the bankruptcy settlement. Those folks are screwed, no other way to put it.
These are the basic facts, no matter what the left/right said or did. THIS is what killed Detroit. By the same token, it's what can kill America, too, unless we stop shipping all of our manufacturing across the globe, take a long hard look at revising our tax code, balancing the budget, paying down our debt, stop playing "world police," and stop electing our leaders based on a particular social agenda, instead of ones that will do what needs to be done to fix America (be that left/right or somewhere in the middle).