The Debacle on Bloody Decks.



I just thought you guys ought to see the pic that was posted on bloodydecks. Those guys ought to be keelhauled, but nothing will probably happen. :evil:


How can anyone be proud to post a picture like that? Where are the Game and Fish people? There must be some regulations. This is the same as what happened in Penasco in the past and look at it now. If you don't practice catch and release it degrades the fishing for the future.
I am going to send a note of dis approval to blodydecks.


El Pirata
Bill Hale said:
How can anyone be proud to post a picture like that? Where are the Game and Fish people? There must be some regulations. This is the same as what happened in Penasco in the past and look at it now. If you don't practice catch and release it degrades the fishing for the future.
I am going to send a note of dis approval to blodydecks.
Don’t bother Sr. Alegro, I recognize them, It’s the Las Conchas HOA.


Here's Osuna's email address: [email protected]
I sent them an email. I encourage anyone else to do the same. Hitting those guys in the pocketbook is the only way to stop it. Following is a copy of the email:
Estimado Capitano Pendejo,
I'm not a tree hugger or an eco-freak, but you just bought yourself a bunch of bad advertizing Señor. I'd be happy to teach you what keelhauling is. Eso era muy feo.

Have a great day,
Now I am no supporter of this type of thing, but it does bring up in my mind the ethical issue of how many fish is too many to catch and retain (I say ethical, as leaglly there are catch limits to be complied with, or at least there should be...)

I often only manage one or two fishing trips a year to the ocean, and I am sometimes lucky enough to have the opportunity of catching more fish on these trips than I should legally keep for a single days fishing. Say I took 52 fish to provide me a couple of meals a week for 6 months - Is this worse than someone going fishing once every week and taking 2 fish each time (The same total number of fish)?

I would think that the ethical argument regarding these two options is maybe less important than the argument as to whether the fish caught are all going to 'good' use. Looks like many of them have been bashed around on a hot deck most of the day, which is not too appetizing.

The second part of the equation is that 26 fishing trips over 6 months should generate a lot more local benefit than a single trip, which should, in theory at least, help reduce the much less valuable commercial fishing activity. But how do I combine the impact of this with the rest of the above? I would genuinely welcome a discussion on this stuff.



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~~~ Come on, ~~~ there's more to this story than meets the eye, ~~~ all you tree huggers have been dupped, I can see rite thru this, Do you really think that these guys would be standing there giving you the finger & laughing their ass's off if they actually
caught all those fish in a day, ~~~ Hell no, they'd be flat on their backs snoring away, ~~~ hell they look like they just got up from a good nites sleep, ~~~
they are running a game on everyone, ~~~ wouldn't surprise me if 1/2 of those were plastic props, ~~~ I'll tell you what, they went :fish: ing :fish: ing :fish: ing, on forum & caught them a bunch of ~~~ :fish: y :fish: y :fish: y 's, ~~~ & I thought I was the best , ~~~ :lol: :lol: :lol:
~~~ ACHI, ACHI, ACHI, ~~~ :lol: :lol: :lol:
~~~COME ON, COME ON, ~~~ HERE :fish: Y :fish: Y :fish: Y ~~~ take the "HOOK" AGAIN" ~~~
~~~ & while you all are calling & e-mailing everyone ~~~ you better call the fire dept. too :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sally said:
~~~ Come on, ~~~ there's more to this story than meets the eye, ~~~ all you tree huggers have been dupped, I can see rite thru this, Do you really think that these guys would be standing there giving you the finger & laughing their ass's off if they actually
caught all those fish in a day, ~~~ Hell no, they'd be flat on their backs snoring away, ~~~ hell they look like they just got up from a good nites sleep, ~~~
they are running a game on everyone, ~~~ wouldn't surprise me if 1/2 of those were plastic props, ~~~ I'll tell you what, they went :fish: ing :fish: ing :fish: ing, on forum & caught them a bunch of ~~~ :fish: y :fish: y :fish: y 's, ~~~ & I thought I was the best , ~~~ :lol: :lol: :lol:
~~~ ACHI, ACHI, ACHI, ~~~ :lol: :lol: :lol:
~~~COME ON, COME ON, ~~~ HERE :fish: Y :fish: Y :fish: Y ~~~ take the "HOOK" AGAIN" ~~~
~~~ & while you all are calling & e-mailing everyone ~~~ you better call the fire dept. too :lol: :lol: :lol:

I have to agree with Sally/Happy....if they caught that number of fish....they would be falling all over the deck hauling them in...and would break their necks! Looks staged....maybe got some fishing boat to dump a bunch on the deck???


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And not a ~~~DROP~~~ of blood ~~~ ANYWHERE ~~~ & look @ their clothes, ~~~
~~~ CLEAN AS CAN BE ~~~ those guys & boat should be ~~~ RED ~~~ Heck when I go out all day with my white boat it looks like I took it to the paint shop, ~~~ & had it painted red, when I get back in, ~~~ Look @ the cat at rear rite, he's laughing so hard that I bet he's crapping over the transom, & the guy front & center , ~~~ he can't control himself, I bet he can't wait for the pic. taking to be over, ~~~ so he can go & change his panties, ~~~ :lol: :lol: :lol:

~~~ All you ~~~ "WINGERS" ~~~ surprise me, boy did you take the ~~~ "HOOKS" ~~~

~~~ Thats one of the ~~~ BEST ~~~ "HOOKSETS" ~~~ I've seen in awhile ~~~ & thats because I haven't been ~~~ :fish: ing :fish: ing :fish: ing here in a bit, :lol: :lol: :lol:

~~~I am the ~~~ "GREAT HAPPY" ~~~


How very astute and observant of you Happy. I guess you and every other member of "your fishing community" just lets the blood dry on their boats, and doesn't bother to wash up until you come in. I don't guess I want to go fishing with you, 'cause I try to keep things clean when I'm fishing. Most of the guys I go fishing with probably wouldn't fit in with "your fishing community" either. Some of them even wash their hands sometimes. The problem is, this is not just an isolated incident. I suppose the decline in the quality of fishing is just a figment of my imagination, and I'm becoming a worse angler every time I go out. I'm glad you pointed that out to all of us. I'm sure all of the members of "your fishing community" look forward to your words of wisdom. Incidentally, did you have your name legally changed, and why would you do that?


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Oh my Bahia, ~~~ "I don't guess I want to go fishing with you" ~~~ I don't remember my "Fishing Community" ever asking you, :lol: :lol: :lol: , ~~~ Come on my Bahia, you just know you want to be part of "MY FISHING COMMUNITY" ~~~ All you have to do is ask, & I'll present it to ~~~
"MY :fish: ING COMMUNITY" & WE'LL VOTE ON IT, ~~~ :lol: :lol: :lol: ~~~
~~~ "Most of the guys I go fishing with wouldn't fit in your "Fishing Community" ~~~
~~~ Damn straight there too, ~~~ I don't want the ~~~ "SAP" ~~~ that drips off of you tree
huggers all over my boat, ~~~ :lol: :lol: :lol: "I try to keep things clean when I'm fishing" ~~~
OH MY "BAHIA" ~~~ I'm too busy "OVER KILLING" to take time out to clean up in between load ups, ~~~ besides it's very "DARK" when ~~~ "I'm AT WORK" ~~~ :lol: :lol: :lol:
~~~ Hey YOU SOUND LIKE A GOOD "SWABY" ~~~ I'll have YOU clean up :lol: :lol: :lol:
~~~ and I can tell you why "you are a "WORSE ANGLER" every time you go out" ~~~
You can't catch fish by dripping ~~~ "SAP" ~~~ all over the beach, :lol: :lol: :lol:
AND you keep mentioning "MY FISHING COMMUNITY" ~~~ you just wish you could be part of ~~~
the "GREAT HAPPYS" PACK ~~~SORRY :lol: :lol: :lol:
~~~ YOU JUST ~~~ "LOVE THE GREAT HAPPY" ~~~ Don't you Bahia "BABY" :lol: :lol: :lol:

~~~ COME ON, COME ON, ~~~ HERE :fish: Y :fish: Y :fish: Y


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~~~ COME ON, COME ON, I'M ~~~ :fish: ING :fish: ING :fish: ING

bahiatrader said:
If you think it's staged, go to and see what Osuna himself had to say about it. I watched the fishing go to hell at Puerto Peñasco, and it's going to hell in the rest of La Mar de Cortez. It's a damned travesty and nothing to make jokes about.
bahiatrader....before you jump all over a couple of us who are questioning the authenticity of the photo....take a deep breath, and count to 10! Your rant for the wrong reason detracts from the actual reason you are upset.

Just look over the it reasonable to think that a bunch of old farts like the ones in the photo (and I am an old fart) would be able to walk around on top of all those fish...with the boat rocking in the Sea of Cortez....without falling overboard or banging themselves up pretty well, let alone catching more fish while all of those were on deck???? How did they clean the boat and themselves from all the blood as Sally pointed out? They sure don't look tired!!! I don't fish, but I have spent some time out on the water....and sure wouldn't look as clean or refreshed as that bunch...when I'm only playing out there and not spending all day pulling in all those fish


Hell, I'm an old fart myself, or at Least Social Security considers me as such. Is your endocrine system in such disrepair that you don't get an adrenaline rush once in a while? I know that part of my glandular array still works. When I get jazzed up on adrenaline, you'd think I just got out of my morning shower. If I had just caught one fifth of that many reds (which I would have released most of), I'd feel like fighting wildcats! If you don't have that condition, perhaps you should see an endocrinologist or seek geriatric counseling.
I know there must be a term for Happy's condition, but I seem to have misplaced my text on psychiatric disorders. That's another circumstance of old fartishness. We sometimes misplace things, and can't remember what we did with them. I'll not forget this soon, and I hope you don't either. As far as tree hugging is concerned, I've harvested enough timber and quarried enough rock to build a small city. That's me up in that tree. I've also harvested a few critters that are considered endangered in some places. That's my wife and I just before a fur sale. I believe I also took more than 50 coyote hides to the same sale. If you ask someone in Lake County, Oregon who Robert Barnes was, you may or may not get an answer. If you ask about Coyote Bob, almost anyone could give you an anecdote or two. And it wasn't because I was smuggling illegal aliens. Believe it or not, I also have a few advanced degrees from institutions of higher learning. Been there, done that, my friend.




My tree pic didn't come through on the last post. Don't call me a tree hugger or an ecofreak unless you know my history. A good part of my life was devoted to forensic investigation of my environment so I could make a living off of it. Incidentally all of this was done within the law to the best of my knowledge. I didn't just sit on my ass and talk about things. I did a few of them.


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Mr. Bahia, ~~~ Oh My BAHIA, ~~~
~~~ I have called a "SPECIAL" 2:00 pm meeting for this afternoon, ~~~
~~~ of ~~~ "MY FISHING COMMUNITY" ~~~ to discuss you request, & desire
to become a member of ~~~ "MY FISHING COMMUNITY" ~~~ and even though
the whole world saw ~~~ YOUR ~~~ Cheap attack on me, and out of the blue ~~~ which was NOT
very nice, and hurt my feelings, ~~~ I will instruct ~~~ "MY FISHING COMMUNITY" ~~~
to totally disregard the ~~~ATTACK ~~~ when considering your membership
in "MY FISHING COMMUNITY" ~~~ and I will then post the outcome of the
voting process, and decision by ~~~ "MY FISHING COMMUNITY" ~~~ I will also tell them that you do indeed ~~~ LOVE ~~~ the ~~~ "GREAT HAPPY" ~~~


Thanks Happy. I've got all the love I want or need. How about you?


That wasn't the one I originally wanted, but with a litttle sweet oil and perseverance I finally got one to come through.

