Sunday the 8th


Don showed up at Chucks trailer with the boat with family and dogs in tow, a good looking group I must say. We made plans to meet in the morning and hit it. We got kind of a late start because Don had some logistic problems with the teens..LOL We decided to launch out of safe harbor because you can come in late and it was a beautiful day with no wind for a change and we didn't need a curfew if the fish turned on late in the day. We had a little trouble making bait at first, a few grunts, some rock bass and a few macks and then we ran into some big Sierra farther out, some very nice sized one too. We tried the 16, I think it was with no success and headed out to a farther reef to look for some whites and Golden spotted and ran into the highlight of our trip. There must have been a thousand Dolphins on the move and what a friendly bunch they were. They escorted us in front of the bow and many were in close on both sides body womping the wake, with others jumping and playing all around us. We all got great pictures while grinning from ear to ear :D . Don took the time to look over the reefs and get to know them before we dropped. The tide wasn't to bad and 16oz was getting us down just fine until late in the day. We dropped a little bit of everything and my pole loaded up once with a live rockbass on for bait but was soon off. Chuck got into what was probably a big grouper fishing with a Sierra but got broke off on the rocks, he had his hands full for a few minutes though. Don dropped a little of everything all day with no luck and his Son worked hard with some iron and surprisingly didn't even pick up a Golden at the farthest reef. Don asked me,"what would Ric do" under the circumstance. I told him we've had slow days and we could move but most importantly, keep trying, you never know what combination will work some days or when for sure.
I'm sorry to say our luck didn't change but our run in under the stars was just beautiful on a glassy sea. I really enjoyed myself even though we didn't have the best fishing. Don is a very capable skipper and I felt very comfortable with him at the helm. :boat:

Thank you very much Don, it was a true pleasure :sunny: meeting and fishing with you and your son.

Whew, my finger again..LOL next shore fishing at Santo Tomas with Jerry and Chuck.



HAPPY said:
~~~ A WHOLE LOT OF ~~~BS ~~~

HERE :fish:Y :fish:Y :fish:Y ~~~

Hey HAPPY, why don't you share your fishing report from all that time you just spent down there this last time? Now that's whats fishy..LOL

The poles loaded up, I think it's :eek: OH NO, a smiling fish :fish:


2 salty dawgs
Kenny -
a good day fishing does not always mean you caught lots of fish -
just fishing is a good day. Catching usually ends up being a great day.

happy -
how about something nice to say as a contribution to the board?
and spend the 10 bucks for new keyboard and then be sure the caps are off.
your refusal to conform to standards does not make you independent,
makes you look like you just don't care.
thanks,I feel better already. :roll:


Atleast you guys got some bendo action! sounds like a decent day to me although I'm not sure if I would have prefered farming fish over no action at all. I'm very hard on myself for years when I farm fish. :oops: Thanks for the report!

It sounds like your paying your dues and getting invaluable experience. Keep at it & post up some pics when you start landing some of those big boys!

Maybe you could type up your posts in MS word or other WP and use the "change case" option and then paste it into the post window. If that is too much work, you might be able to find someone willing to trade your food stamps or government cheese for a keyboard :lol: freekin trolls! :roll:


joester said:
Kenny -
a good day fishing does not always mean you caught lots of fish -
just fishing is a good day. Catching usually ends up being a great day.

You bet...I have a saying, it came from my Dad.. "We might not be catching any fish, but the fishings good".

The winds died down for us,and the Dolfins came to play. A safe trip, good company and a run in on a flat calm under the stars. Yes, it was a fine day.

Sixty said:
Atleast you guys got some bendo action! sounds like a decent day to me although I'm not sure if I would have prefered farming fish over no action at all. I'm very hard on myself for years when I farm fish. :oops: Thanks for the report!

It sounds like your paying your dues and getting invaluable experience. Keep at it & post up some pics when you start landing some of those big boys!

Maybe you could type up your posts in MS word or other WP and use the "change case" option and then paste it into the post window. If that is too much work, you might be able to find someone willing to trade your food stamps or government cheese for a keyboard :lol: freekin trolls! :roll:
Yeah....Sixty....looks like some of the trolls have made it here.....sad! I guess the best approach is not to feed them, and just ignore them.