Spring Break Bird Island see dolphins sea lions pole dancing

Except for some of the video of the dolphin and sea lions, don't waste your time looking for any pole dancing....unless you consider "fishing pole" dancing!!! LOL


The fishing pole dancing brought to mind an interesting observation I've made about Isla San Jorge. You can always catch all the little fish like that you want. I almost always stop off there if I go close, and have a fresh fish taco. (pic attached) There seems to be an endless supply of small cabrilla, triggers and others whether there are other boats or not. Usually one is just the right size to feed one person. It makes a nice interlude to just drop anchor, catch enough to feed everybody, fire up the little propane stove and kick back with your favorite beverage. You can watch the abundant sealion and birdlife interact while you have the freshest fish tacos in the world. Once in a great whiile you might hook into something substantial. Who wouldn't want to stop there for a meal?


mmm... fish tacos sound great but too much work...

sushi is my choice, just bring the soy and wassabi (that green stuff that I can't get enough) and then freedive for penn shells the callos (scallops) are huge and sooo sweet.

sometimes you can find black pearls in them as well.... I'm heading out to the island thursday maybe I'll see ya out there and we'll do lunch...
