sonoyta safety warning...

Heard state police were stopping vehicles for going over 50 mph on the way down to PP in force have not seen that in awhile

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90 kph is 55 mph so I don't know why you would be stopped going 50. If true this is another nail in the coffin for RP tourism. Good example of biting the hand that feeds you.


SONOYTA NUMERO UNO! The municipalities of Plutarco Elias Calles(SONOYTA)
and Ciudad Obregon have in the last two years with the highest rates of intentional homicides per 100 thousand inhabitants in Sonora, said Ernesto Munro Palacio, Secretary of Public Security.

According to figures from the Ministry of Public Security, in so far this year in the town of Plutarco Elias Calles had joined 47 intentional homicides in a city of just 15 000 652 inhabitants which gives an average of 300.3 people killed by each 100 000 inhabitants, which is the highest statistics in Sonora.

"Municipalities with more homicides in the last two years are Plutarco Elias Calles and Ciudad Obregon, according to the formula per 100 thousand inhabitants, this is how the killings were measured, and also Ciudad Obregon," he explained.

In the case of Ciudad Obregon in this year they will total 79 intentional homicides, and the city has approximately 409 000 310 citizens which gives a total of 19.3 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants.

In the case of the municipality of Plutarco Elias Calles the main feature of why so many homicides are given is to be border and stay in an area that belongs largely to Pápagos that have a land bank that they oversee.

"That the US authorities monitored, partly say that region, and is an ideal place for traffickers of drugs, weapons and money instead.

"This region allows certain facilities for those engaged in illicit Mexico side issues" reported.

To this is added the competition of criminal groups engaged in drug trafficking and people and another point that adds Munro Palacio installation is the only control on the Rio Altar.

"With the installation of the Unified Command was made a migration of groups operating in the Altar River in Saric and Tubutama, and moved towards the border of Plutarco Elias Calles, that is the reason why that situation exists," he added .



It would be interesting to see how the turf brokers in the U.S. and law enforcement dynasties would react to it being legalized. Some day perhaps.
Prolly nothing will change except the product offered for sale. An established marketing network has real value. Just like all the big merchandisers, gotta offer what you can sell. That and new drugs are coming around with some regularity, and most are legal till they get identified and put on prohibited lists.