Sonoyta Bridge?


Tom the Surfcaster
Any first hand reports on the previously mentioned detour for bridge construction? I and friends are crossing Thursday and Friday and would love to know if the alternate route is advised.



El Pirata
I always take the alternate route unless i'm very hungry or someone is then we'll stop at vasquez for food and tortillas, The sarape tacos stand that miramar likes does not open till later in the afternoon and that place is on the alternate road.


I crossed over the bridge last Friday and again on Sunday. They were working on it but cars were still allowed to drive on it. No delay either.


I crossed Monday afternoon heading back to the US. Traffic was being sent through one-way only alternating direction every 10-15 cars or so depending on traffic.


Tom the Surfcaster
I had no problem crossing at 3 pm on Thursday going down as not one car was ahead of me coming up to the bridge. We stopped at Vasquez on the way home Monday afternoon and there was one wait for cars coming the other way with about five people ahead of us. Took about three minutes extra. I would avoid it during busier crossing times and take the short cut. We also ran into an army checkpoint on the way out of Penasco on Monday. For anyone going south there is also one at El Sahuaro south of the aduana and before the Santo Tomas turnoff.


I always take the alternate route unless i'm very hungry or someone is then we'll stop at vasquez for food and tortillas, The sarape tacos stand that miramar likes does not open till later in the afternoon and that place is on the alternate road.
Where is the bridge and alternative route?


The easiest way to tell you is go to the T intersection by the Circle K, turn right (if your hungry and if it's after 4:00, stop at El Serape Tacos on your left side after you make the right turn), make your first left and cross over the river then make a right at the stop sign. Continue down the street past the OXXO on the right. When you get to the stop sign, make a right, and you're back on the highway to Penasco by the police station.


Oh I know exactly what your talking about. You cross the river going into town and you can take the back road to the 8. Thank for your response.


It was fine on Friday afternoon..can't say the same for the roof of the Organ Pipe Monument headquarters...microburst blew the roof off


No problems yesterday morning -- even though there was water standing in the streets in several areas. 2-way traffic crossing the bridge without delays.

However there was no power at the border crossing or at Organ Pipe. I would hope that's been restored by now.
Are they still using the bypass? A friend was down last weekend, and said the detour took her by Vasquez liquors?????????


Last Friday we still used the bypass, but it seemed the traffic was directed to make a left turn (going to Penasco) after the culvert at the corner of Benito Juarez onto September 16th. Then you're back on the regular road, Highway 2, make a right turn on Highway 8 and would pass by Vasquez. We chose a different route: made an immediate right turn after the culvert onto Miguel Hildalgo Y Costilla (beware of the speedbump), went down a couple of blocks, then made a left and then made a right on 16th of September until it hits Highway #8. That helped avoid the traffic.

Ed B

Small Potatoes
Left Tempe at 11:30am Thursday. Finally checked in at 11:00pm Thursday night. Will post pics and explain Friday, too tired tonight. All I can say for now is have a vehicle that can swim and have a lot of patience. Washes in Arizona a 1 hour wait and Sononyta Crossing was a 6 hour wait and much more....
Left Tempe at 11:30am Thursday. Finally checked in at 11:00pm Thursday night. Will post pics and explain Friday, too tired tonight. All I can say for now is have a vehicle that can swim and have a lot of patience. Washes in Arizona a 1 hour wait and Sononyta Crossing was a 6 hour wait and much more....
Ed, I'll try to check in to see what you post, or you can send to me at the info will be very useful for my radio show on Saturday. I foresee lots of calls and emails on this subject. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.