Tom the Surfcaster
Any first hand reports on the previously mentioned detour for bridge construction? I and friends are crossing Thursday and Friday and would love to know if the alternate route is advised.
Where is the bridge and alternative route?I always take the alternate route unless i'm very hungry or someone is then we'll stop at vasquez for food and tortillas, The sarape tacos stand that miramar likes does not open till later in the afternoon and that place is on the alternate road.
Ed, I'll try to check in to see what you post, or you can send to me at the info will be very useful for my radio show on Saturday. I foresee lots of calls and emails on this subject. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.Left Tempe at 11:30am Thursday. Finally checked in at 11:00pm Thursday night. Will post pics and explain Friday, too tired tonight. All I can say for now is have a vehicle that can swim and have a lot of patience. Washes in Arizona a 1 hour wait and Sononyta Crossing was a 6 hour wait and much more....