Soccer equipment needed

Terry C

Roberto, a friend of mine told me about your post. I would like to add your post on my Playa Encanto web site. I have around 300+ email addresses that when I do our news letter I could also post it on there. Terry C


I like pie.
Staff member
Is there a way to donate to them, online?

EDIT: After I wrote this, I thought it was a silly question.... If they don't have enough money for soccer stuff, why would they have have a website where you could donate.

If someone is going to see the team soon and has paypal, let me know and I'll donate some money (on behalf of the forum)

I'm a huge soccer nut and I know what it feels like to want to play and not really have the chance to. I'll try my best to help them as possible.


I like pie.
Staff member
I don't go down to Mexico that much. I rather give someone the money and they can go purchase what they need. Do they have stores down there to purchase things like this?