So What's Up With This?

We crossed the border southward, got the green light, but apparently when a guard spotted our two dogs, they motioned us over. Lately we’ve experienced these doggy-paperwork checkpoints, so we were not all that surprised . . . until,that is, they asked for driver’s license in addition to the rabies paperwork, took them inside (apparently to scan), and before returning them to us, photographed each dog! I mean, even if they are cracking down, what is the purpose of the scanned documents and photos? Is there a new smuggling-mutts-into-Mexico problem I haven’t heard about? Has this happened to anyone else out there? What purpose would it serve?


Lovin it in RP!
Why is there 3 checkpoints going North? If you lived in Ajo and wanted to go to Phx you have to go through a checkpoint in your own Country.....whats up with that? Its super silly on both sides of the border, "we are to protect you sir..........."


El Pirata
Jerry did post and start a thread about this,same suspicious dogs I take it, anyway always have your dogs paperwork when you cross no excuses.
We crossed the border southward, got the green light, but apparently when a guard spotted our two dogs, they motioned us over. Lately we’ve experienced these doggy-paperwork checkpoints, so we were not all that surprised . . . until,that is, they asked for driver’s license in addition to the rabies paperwork, took them inside (apparently to scan), and before returning them to us, photographed each dog! I mean, even if they are cracking down, what is the purpose of the scanned documents and photos? Is there a new smuggling-mutts-into-Mexico problem I haven’t heard about? Has this happened to anyone else out there? What purpose would it serve?
This is clearly retaliation for our efforts to curb illegal immigration to the United States (kidding). Funny that they can't control the dog population within Mexco (Rocky Point is, by far, the best I have seen in Mexico thanks to the efforts of some wonderful people) but yet they seem overly concerned about a dog from the U.S.
Why is there 3 checkpoints going North? If you lived in Ajo and wanted to go to Phx you have to go through a checkpoint in your own Country.....whats up with that? Its super silly on both sides of the border, "we are to protect you sir..........."
It is not about checkpoints. I am numb to that on both sides of the border, and totally compliant. My question is:
1. What's with the scanning of pet documents, drivers license plus pet photos? What do they do with that stuff? File It? For what?
2. Has anyone else experienced that degree of (pets) investigation.


If they're cracking down this hard with photos and scanning paperwork, I'm a little worried about the health certificate situation also. I took my cat down with us for the first time in June, she was due for shots anyway, so I took her to the vet and told them I was taking her to Mexico. There's some special certificate that Mexico requires and the vet gave me the certificate (in English AND Spanish) in addition to the regular shot records. BUT, that certificate is only good for 90 days. In any event, I got the green light, so I didn't have to show anybody anything.

I took the kitty back down with me in October and brought the same paperwork - the certificate was over 90 days old, but I'm not going to pay the vet again for another certificate! Anyway, I got the green light again in October. Now, I'm wondering about when we go in November. What a total pain!


It is not about checkpoints. I am numb to that on both sides of the border, and totally compliant. My question is:
1. What's with the scanning of pet documents, drivers license plus pet photos? What do they do with that stuff? File It? For what?
2. Has anyone else experienced that degree of (pets) investigation.
I had the same thing happen last week


I thought it was odd too...maybe American dogs are taking the jobs Mexican dogs refuse to do.....frisbee,fetch,
My vet is RP actually takes a picture of my pets that is on the shot records I get from him. Showed it 2 weeks ago, no problem.
Pet Clinic San Lazaro on Sonora (Polla Lucas area) about 1.5 miles east of Ben Juarez, on the southside of street 1 block before light at Josefa- Ortiz.
He is very good and speaks decent english.


We had the same thing happen (first time ever after bringing out dogs for 8 years) yesterday. Green light, then we were asked to pull over and give drivers license and paperwork. They snapped a picture and we were on our way. The Mexican military checkpoint (just before town) they were more concerned with the dogs biting them then anything else and my dogs wouldn't hurt a fly. Well, maybe a fly ;)


Hola a todos/as.......we crossed this morning and I asked the nice young man at customs what this was all about......he explained that they want to control and protect the animals on both side of the border by confirming that the pets coming in have their proper shots, etc.....they will compile the pet info with the pictures, enter them into a computer and assign each owner a number.......then when you return to Mexico simply give your assigned number to them and that will be it....their plan is to have all this data in the system and the number assigned by the end of December.......while all this sounds logical, I can't help but notice all the stray dogs in the town and wonder if their owners have their respective "numbers" (joke)......we also got the green light but as we started to cross, we were asked to pull over....the military checkpoint men tapped on the window in a playful manner to get the dogs' attention and mess, no fuss....


Red light for us today coming into Mexico and our dog was sitting on my lap in the front seat. They never asked for our paperwork for him.

The Man

The Mexican border guard at the red light
seen our little dog, wanted papers, but I just showed him the rabies tag on my little dogs collar and said...thats from the vet, same as papers!
Repeated it again, and let us go.

We always have the dogs papers, since the first time we were asked at the mex check point south of Yuma, going to the coast hyway to RP, forgot them at our place in

They asked after we paid our tax, for the dogs' papers, but did not have them with us.

Did not really want to take my truck load of stuff back to the states!

So I stuck my head in the truck, pulled out the paperwork for my new visa they give you, when you turn in your FMT, in case they ask at the border while your waiting for your perm visa!

Gave that to him! Was not my dog's vet papers, but did not want get turned back!

I said thats the papers! He looked at me, looked back at my small dog, he looked back and forth, twice or so!

I then said its a Mexican dog! He handed me back my papers, walked away!

I then just rode on to Rocky Point! I guess he was confused who was the dog!

No comments Kenny please!

Just don't know how serious they are about dogs, or just busting for what our border patrol does!

Going north once, was pulled over to the inspection area, they wanted to inspect my dogs papers!

I asked what if I had none, he said would not let dog in, as Mexican dogs were walking back and forth from the Mex side, begging for food from the gringoes!

All this for a small 17 lb dog!

The Man
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Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
The Mexican border guard at the red light
seen our little dog, wanted papers, but I just showed him the rabies tag on my little dogs collar and said...thats from the vet, same as papers!
Repeated it again, and let us go.

We always have the dogs papers, since the first time we were asked at the mex check point south of Yuma, going to the coast hyway to RP, forgot them at our place in

They asked after we paid our tax, for the dogs' papers, but did not have them with us.

Did not really want to take my truck load of stuff back to the states!

So I stuck my head in the truck, pulled out the paperwork for my new visa they give you, when you turn in your FMT, in case they ask at the border while your waiting for your perm visa!

Gave that to him! Was not my dog's vet papers, but did not want get turned back!

I said thats the papers! He looked at me, looked back at my small dog, he looked back and forth, twice or so!

I then said its a Mexican dog! He handed me back my papers, walked away!

I then just rode on to Rocky Point! I guess he was confused who was the dog!

No comments Kenny please!

Just don't know how serious they are about dogs, or just busting for what our border patrol does!

Going north once, was pulled over to the inspection area, they wanted to inspect my dogs papers!

I asked what if I had none, he said would not let dog in, as Mexican dogs were walking back and forth from the Mex side, begging for food from the gringoes!

All this for a small 17 lb dog!

The Man

You captivate the readers mind and speak with such conviction
Well, based on responses, it seems that they're making some sort of legitimate effort toward some semblance of protection and control . . . whether or not it is effective or consistent.
yes, we had the same thing happen--green light and then pulled over by the agricultural inspector, who requested dog papers and our ID--and took pics of our dogs. they also confiscated an open and partially eaten bag of dry dog food which contained beef products, so keep that in mind, too. this was the 3rd time we have been pulled over by the agricultural inspector, who always asked for the dog's papers, but they only took pics the during the most recent stop--can't imagine they are now keeping a file on all the "frequent flier" pets, so they can cross reference--but don't know why else they would be doing it ??
can't imagine they are now keeping a file on all the "frequent flier" pets, so they can cross reference--but don't know why else they would be doing it ??
That is what prompted my initial post. Based on subsequent responses here, I'm guessing that -- as with other immigration requirements -- they are simply enforcing their policy after long neglect (in addition to a few new rules). And their method of enforcement apparently happens to include photos. As for the dry food (and because i'm persnickety about quality of food), I guess I'll avoid that by packing vegetarian kibble, in the original bags. (Dick Van Patten brand). Thanks for the warning.