So all you fishermen

jaime grande

Our Love Shack
So all you fishermen out there and no one can recommend a trailer repair in town ???? I could really use some help with a boat trailer that isn't road worthy. Thanks

All you have to do is take it to Safe Marina and have Miguel take a look at it, he has fixed mine and did a good job, just remember you have to pay, just ask yourself how much would that repair cost in the states:???:


Russ answered your question last week so I'm sure every one else , like myself, felt you didn't need any more info. I imagine the best place to leave the boat is in the water. As far as costs go, thats up to the mechanic.
There is also a good welding shop on the way to PDO. Go through the signal and instead of turning right to go to the fidh markets go straight. Pass the " Y " in the road and 1/2 block down on the right side. They are cheap and do a good job.