It looks very funny Mexico Joe, in the forum you are the toughest guy around, calling people names and getting in people faces, however in the PM you sure are a little pussycat, on your own words " I am armed and can not defend myself" (oxymoron?), "Please dont call me a cripple, its very degrading" , "I send you a PRIVATE MESSAGE and you make it PUBLIC by putting it on the forum" you started in the open forum, are you that chicken~~~mierda~~~ that can not defend yourself verbally, the same way you started it? you see you are HANDICAPED in the head as well as CRIPPLED with your legs. Do not call people names and you will not be call names either, it is that easy!
The real truth is that you are CRIPPLED while those who know my wife know that she is a very nice and respectful person to herself and others and not what you painted her to be!!