Shrimp Prices


Went to Productos de Mariscos on Monday and snapped some pics of the offerings if anyone is curious about current pricing .. Also got 14.1 pesos at the exchange so pesos would be cheaper here than dollars.

For some reason, the site wont let me upload the pic (maybe because its greater than 1MB?), so I'll just list them. Prices are per 2kg (4.4lb) block:

U10 MX$700 US$51
U12 MX$650 US$48
U15 MX$600 US$45
16/20 MX$550 US$40
21/25 MX$500 US$37
26/30 MX$450 US$33

Side note: The prices for 16/20 and smaller aren't significantly different than what I pay at Restaurant Depot here in Phoenix .... but of course try to find U15/U12/U10 here in town .... won't happen.


the narcos are just raping the breeding areas down south...the artisan fisherman that sells more than two kilos on his own faces not buy big blues until things change


Joan, Go down to Desemboque and see them unloading there freezed boxes on big duelly diesel F250s after coming back via the beach from the fish camp at Jaguey ( I can draw you a map,the one with the tower)..they swagger around like they own the town...which they sort of do at this time.....they also follow ATV tracks etc they do not recognize and come in force...careful if camping or fishing by the spit


They drive from Desemboque up the to where the pangas come in at the tower fish camp to make sure the fishermen are not high grading and selling the shrimp to someone else.A fisherman that caught 160 kilos (illegal..the navy has been paid off to go away and now the narcos prey on the fishermen) kept 40 kilos and when he returned to the ejido they beat the shit of him and put him in the hospital.....think about that the next time you eat the big blues

now of course Joan etc. don't want to hear things like this but it is the reality...

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
Joe, with all due respect, your comment is totally out of line. Please be a little more respectful!!

The best part! This was redacted but because you chose to tell me how wrong I was now the original comment is ingrained in your reply... Thank you!