Thanks. We caught two sting rays and a flounder too. Was trying to catch anything but rock bass and trigger.
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Whats bad about rock bass? Did you get any perch?Thanks. We caught two sting rays and a flounder too. Was trying to catch anything but rock bass and trigger.
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Kelney, I as well lost about $30 (4 lures) in Kastmasters the first week of June fishing from Las Conchas. I have never lost that many from break-offs before. Mostly from reef or seaweed snags. And, the first one I lost was recently tied on. I got hit and as my pole bent so fast and so hard as soon as I went to reel... snap! The other break offs were really hard hits as well. The fish I landed were all pretty good size, but the ones that broke off I imagine were much larger.My sierra was maybe 16 inches. I turned him and a few corvina into a tasty ceviche appetizer.
Were you able to use your same lure for your trip? I noticed you had the same lure for your fish. I lost A LOT of lures. Nothing fancy but typical Castmaster or generics of the same. I lost 3-4 on hard strikess, a number of other ones with weakened line as I was using 8 lb flouro and not retying as quickly as I should have been. I realized after 6-8 fish it was time to retie. I lost a few others that I would just categorize as technical difficulties.