Shore fishing June 21


Jerry, the day we went to your house , the ejiditarios took us to a beach south of Lobos, where they had built a road from the highway to a rv park they had started to work on, there were a couple pangas setting nets, and fish everywhere..Anyway the beach looks similar and wondered if it was where the ejido started to work. Wish I could go..
No that one Celestino is still actually getting going.People from Caborca camp there....nice area and it looks like good kayaking too.I am coming back mid to late July...we should check it out....The one I am going to is the site of the future Lemans race track...liberty coveted by many as the gas line is coming.image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg


Thanks Larry, it was a fat one a bit less than two feet....lots of fish tacos but to my mind the Pompanos tasted better
In my ignorance, I used to have my pompano fileted and after broiling it, thought it was a bit fishy tasting. Then, my shrimp guy on the Melecon told me to deep fry the entire fish. I had it done at Mary's and I couldn't believe how white, mild & flaky a pompano could be. Really good!


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
As mentioned - long skinny one is a ladyfish. A blast to catch on light tackle, pretty worthless as tablefare. Related to tarpon, believe it or not.