Shore fishing by Playa Bonita Resort


Any recommendations on pole set up and lures. Will be staying at Playa Bonita this weekend and thought I would give it a shot. Is it better to use a shore pole or just a regular spinner. I'm sure you all have answered these questions a million times on here so I do appreciate any advise.

Also looking to charter a boat for me and the wife to do some fishing on Saturday, any help there would be awesome, looking to spend around $200.00
Regular spinner, I use 7' rods. I probably use to heavy a line for whats needed but I run 10lb Fluorocarbon with a 15lb. shock leader when I am putting bait off the bottom. Use small shrimp or hit up a vendor for some squid. Calamares para pescar, 5 bucks worth is more than you will use in a weekend.
Depending on the wind you can throw anything that looks like this, best with upward facing hooks...

Spoons work well too.

More wind, heavier lure. Cast parallel to the water and you can get pretty good tosses in the wind. If you catch something and it locks on the bottom, drop the tip of the rod and let the line go slack and wait! they will get out and you will know it then rod tip up and keep them from doing it again.

An hour before high or low tide to an hour after has always worked well for me.
Check Puerto Penasco Tides for fishing and you will know what times will be best for the days you are there.

Good Luck and welcome to the forums!
Oh and about the boat, if you head into the Malicon (fishmarket) you will see pongas there that people can charter. We go out with Eduardo. We trust him and he will no let you come back without fish. His boat is called Bubba. You can take your gear but he has some older beat up stuff but it's more or less ready for the type of fishing youy do on a ponga. Fishing for bait, then headin out to some spots he has on GPS for some larger fish.
Nothing huge but also not half of your time traveling to the far out reefs either. 3-5 pounder that he will clean and bag for you before you are even back to shore. If all goes well you will have a crap ton of fillets of several species.
Trigger fish are a great fight and IMO one of the best tasting overlooked fish down there.
Price should be right in your range, or cheaper. I would go look for him first thing after you arrive, that way you will know the scoop.


I found a medium size boat for $250.00 for me and my wife. Hoping to kill two birds with one stone, I get to fish and she gets to look for whales. Last time my son and I found a boat we brought home 60lbs of Trigger fish, damn good tasting fish! Thanks again for all your help.
As long as the wife is happy and comfortable and you catch some fish the price is fine.

Can't wait to hear how it goes. And remember, with out pictures it didn't happen. LOL.


Anybody going to be doing any Shore Fishing on 9/7 - 9/10. Would like to check out Competition Hill or Cholla Bay. Don't really know my way around there yet and was hoping to follow someone so I don't end up being somewhere that I shouldn't be. I have read enough posts here so I guess I'm good on fishing set ups, just know where I have been fishing has not been that awesome, thanks!


A general tip...if you are down south exploring surf fishing spots and you see a gate with orange markings of varied kinds stay out...cartel


Thanks for the tip Jerry! That's my biggest fear is wondering in an area that I don't belong.
Sometime this winter I am headed to a great fish friendly rock structure just north of Puerto Libertad for a day trip I just met the owner a few months ago and got the ok....will give you a heads up!


Ok one last question guys. I saw a video where high tide goes up all the way to JJ's. So where do you fish at in that area at high tide?


Well JJ's is really on the estuary side of the peninsula. When the tide is in the water goes way out and it's really a big shallow mudflat. I think the shore fishing is really on the other side of the peninsula off the rocky shore. Around competition hill and toward the NW there.