shark populations in puerto penasco

Gene and I used to be running buddies all over the Gulf of California. I introduced him to Puerto Penasco and the fishing scene there. We took the Panga Mothership trips out of San Felipe and got to hit almost every island from the Mid Riff up. Loads of the fish ID photos on MEXFISH.COM are mine and as I recall yours too. We always had a blue Jointed Rebel Fast Track trailing on the stern of every boat we were on. So where do you live now? I'm in Yuma. I've got my boat out of mothballs and getting it ready for the March Leopard Grouper spawn.

Oh wow, very cool stuff guys. Many a night do I drift off reading from A to Z or Z to A the Mexfish list of fish... still working on catching more than just the Triggers and Sand bass lol.


Incredible Sea of Cortez;

fyi; do not think there is any evidence that a human has been hurt in the Wild by Orcas, they are dolphins.
Only have Man caged Orcas have hurt or Killed humans.

Thats good to know. Watch video.



Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Thats good to know. Watch video.

Hahahaha! That video has been making the rounds lately. Watch it slowly and closely. The whale is chasing a small seal. You can clearly see it jump out of the water briefly just by the boy. The whale appears to knock the boy down and go over him, not eat him. Even if the whale DID actually get a bite of the boy, it certainly wasn't an "attack." Kid was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Killer whales don't have good brakes, yanno?

That's given that the video is even for real and not spliced together. Note the hysterical screaming and horror show music in the audio added for special effect. If this whale had actually attacked the kid deliberately on the beach, it would have been on every news broadcast in the country for days. Think about it.


This is actually a "viral" video that was circulated via Youtube, social networks and email. The video apparently shows a man grabbed and taken by a killer whale while he was walking along a beach. It is not real footage and the man was not at all eaten by the killer whale. In fact, the video is a TV ad promotion for La Sirena, a retail chain in Dominican Republic.

The ad at the end of the video says "No todos los lapices dan suerte solo el lapiz la suerte de La Sirena" which, in English means "Not all pencils give you luck, just the pencil "La Suerte" from la Sirena".
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Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Gene and I used to be running buddies all over the Gulf of California. I introduced him to Puerto Penasco and the fishing scene there. We took the Panga Mothership trips out of San Felipe and got to hit almost every island from the Mid Riff up. Loads of the fish ID photos on MEXFISH.COM are mine and as I recall yours too. We always had a blue Jointed Rebel Fast Track trailing on the stern of every boat we were on. So where do you live now? I'm in Yuma. I've got my boat out of mothballs and getting it ready for the March Leopard Grouper spawn.

I live in Tempe. My boat's currently up here at home and if/when I get some time, for routine maintenance. I usually leave it stored down in Penasco because I hate towing the big beast around. And even though I hate doing so, I'll probably fill it here and tow it down there full because gas is so cheap right now. Last trip in the fall and gas was over $4.00 a gallon in Penasco! The $1.95 at Costco is a real bargain.

I haven't talked with Gene in ages, it seems. But, you couldn't find another soul out there that cared more for the Sea of Cortez, Mexico, and its fish. He inspired me in so many ways over the years. I still break out my Baja Catch and get an adrenaline rush just reading about some of the places I've been and have yet to go.

We'll have to see if we can hook up for an adventure this spring.


Looks like the whale knock him down right into his choppers and out to sea. This is an older video, look at the guys swim shorts, hair style way out dates and the quality of the camera, it probably was on the news when it happened, just everyone for got about it. I see the seals and yes wrong place wrong time, but still guy became a snack.


This is actually a "viral" video that was circulated via Youtube, social networks and email. The video apparently shows a man grabbed and taken by a killer whale while he was walking along a beach. It is not real footage and the man was not at all eaten by the killer whale. In fact, the video is a TV ad promotion for La Sirena, a retail chain in Dominican Republic.

The ad at the end of the video says "No todos los lapices dan suerte solo el lapiz la suerte de La Sirena" which, in English means "Not all pencils give you luck, just the pencil "La Suerte" from la Sirena".
And..Origins: The video clip linked above does not capture an innocent beachgoer being snatched by a killer whale. As indicated by the graphic overlay, it's a television commercial created for the Dominican Republic-based chain of La Sirena retail stores. The wording of the caption, "No todos los lápices dan suerte, sólo el lápiz la suerte de La Sirena," roughly translates as "Not all pencils give you luck, only the Lucky Pencil from La Sirena." The mention of a lucky pencil references one of La Sirena's earlier campaigns, a back-to-school promotion featuring a Lucky Pencil that offered consumers the chance to "aprende un mundo" (i.e., learn the world) through winning prizes such as laptops, cameras, iPads, and vacation trips. Read more at
Maybe he was yelling for a pencil to stab an eye out.
Mid Winter Meat Run....

Thought this story might warm your guys up as we sit through this freakin azz cold Arizona New Years Eve....

Seven years ago to the day tomorrow I was rigged and ready to prove to myself and and anyone else that fish can be caught on any day in the Gulf of California.

I'm sure that everyone has read about "chummin" and the chum buckets that the guys on the east coast rig up. I've used the blood and guts trails off of San Diego to bring in Mako's but it has never worked out of RP. So I came up with a plan that took six months to mastermind. I started saving every bit of leftover marine animal body parts that I could get hold of. This included fish heads and guts, the left over inedibles from Pearl Oysters, Giant Pen Shells, smelly old squid etc. By December I had two of those five gallon plastic "Homer" buckets full and frozen with the stinking mess. Earlier in the year I found one of those old timey hand operated meat grinders and bolted it to one of those gunnel rod holder fish cleaning tables.

That 2007 New Years Day was just like today, cold and dreary. We forced ourselves outa bed, launched the boat at the ramp in the Old Port and took off for Isla San Jorge. The Sea was flat and we made it there in record time. There is a long rocky reef that runs South from the island and we anchored on it. I tossed a few bits of iron down with no success. So now was the time for "Mr. Chum Grinder". It was slack tide and I was grindin away and through the greasy brown cloud I could see fish commin up from the depths. We got out some lightweight spinning outfits and just dropped em below the boat. Instant action! Every drop got a trigger, cabrilla or lizard fish. Pretty soon we started seeing some big boys cruzin in for the action. I upgraded our gear to heavier spinnin outfits and midsized chrome spoons and on the first drop got a five pound Yellowtail. Within a few minutes we had a dozen Yellowtail on the deck and my wife starts yelling about something that was too big for her to handle. I take over and haul in the biggest Sierra that I had ever seen. It was about forty inches long, about twelve pounds and had no gold spots on the sides. As it turns out, after a consult late with Gene Kira we determine that the fish and ten more just like it were the Monterrey Sierra.

That day we brought in over one hundred fish in a matter of a few hours. Also, the trip home was one on the coldest and wettest ever. We had to stop a few miles north of the Island and put on wetsuits to make it back through eight foot swells to the harbor.
