
Monday April 18, 2011 we held a graduation ceremony for the latest sewing and quilting class at La Esperanza Para Nueva Vida A.C. community center. This is just one of the many ways we are working with the community to help them learn skills to better their lives....
Thanks to Blanca for all her hard work arranging these classes and others... also Thanks to Fausto Soto and the others from the Municipal de Penasco for joining us at the event... and I can't forget a BIG Thanks to our friends Harrold & Cathy Tuttle for all they do for the center... Gracias Amigos...
There are many other classes available at the center for the locals to get that little bit of help they may need to find a job or even start a business of their own... if you might have a donation, some ideas, or spare time and want to volunteer... please contact Harold Tuttle a.k.a. trade or me here on the forum... Thank You...
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