Semana Santa


AKA Carnac
Thats right, but its still only 2,000,000 I understand what you are saying though, the bar owner pay's his ice bill, the ice company can now pay his accountant, the accountant, can now pay the office supply store all with maybe the same 41.00 it goes on and on. The secret is keeping the money in town.
thats,the problem with the new Bodega and Leys for example, other than some tiny wages all that money leaves town, they use no local accountants, no local suppliers of anything and none of the profits stay in Rp.
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Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
Did I really read somebody complaining about a $2.75 beer? This isnt 1982, and $2.75 for a beer is nowhere near scottsdale prices... You know how much that beer is in San Diego? $4.75 Scottsdale? $4.75 If you cant SACK UP and pay $2.75 for a beer dont go into the bar. Buy a 20 pack of bottles and go sit in front of JJ's with the other Mexicans and use the restroom for free, lawl.

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
Lagrima, in Economics class, they discuss the "multiplier effect". That $41/person gets spread around several times, resulting in a much larger gain for the city.
Ha! You must have slept through economics class Miramar because thats not what the "Multiplier Effect" is. The Money Multiplier Effect refers to the multiplication of money through interest rates. Sorry buddy, do you remember what your grade was in the class?


Ha! You must have slept through economics class Miramar because thats not what the "Multiplier Effect" is. The Money Multiplier Effect refers to the multiplication of money through interest rates. Sorry buddy, do you remember what your grade was in the class?
I thought that was "compund interest"?
Did I really read somebody complaining about a $2.75 beer? This isnt 1982, and $2.75 for a beer is nowhere near scottsdale prices... You know how much that beer is in San Diego? $4.75 Scottsdale? $4.75 If you cant SACK UP and pay $2.75 for a beer dont go into the bar. Buy a 20 pack of bottles and go sit in front of JJ's with the other Mexicans and use the restroom for free, lawl.
I heard that JJ's was charging for the use of the restrooms during Semana Santa....:har::rofl:


El Pirata
Ya they can do that but it would be to there advantage if they would cater to them. They should take a trip down south and see how its done.
Ya they can do that but it would be to there advantage if they would cater to them. They should take a trip down south and see how its done.
Do you want to volunteer to be the one that goes in and clean up the disgusting mess that they leave behind. Not sure what they do down south, but am well aware of what they do in RP.

We had the same mindset that you have when we first opened our business, treat them well, welcome them, and they will come to your place and spend money! WRONG!!!

JJ's has been in business for many years and has been successful throughout the good and bad times. I trust if they find it necessary to charge for the use of the bathrooms that there is good reason.


AKA Carnac
Thats the only free beach left!
Playa, but forget about El Faro, we haven't won the lawsuit but we do have approx 1 kilometer of federal zone concession in Cholla. I dont think there is anything that doesent have the concession already, alot of the house's out there are in that zone.
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Realistically there is no way to know how much was spent. If you own a taco stand you can see how much is in the box at then end of each day and compare that to other ordinary weeks. Citywide estimates that they come up with within a couple of days of an event are seat of the pants guesses from 'experts' who probably use tea leaves !! Someone, somewhere comes up with a number like $40 and everyone uses it irrespective of any other facts. The best estimate would be exit interviews with a random sampling of a couple of hundred visitors inquiring how much they spent and where. That ain't gonna happen.