Sally Arrested for Public Urination


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Sally has 30 days in the hole (banned) for pissing all over multiple forums. You want to have pissing contests with other users, take it to Private Message, not in the public forums.

Have a nice day.
The Management


So, who is the worst, the person that retracts in its word after doing a poll (52 against 47?) or the person that wants to bring a little of spice to the daily routine?
Stuart, stand up to you word on letting members post what they want, wheather it is "sally" or ~~~HAPPY~~~ you can see that he has toned down a lot and it is no harm to do some crazy thing every now and then, at least we all know ~~~HAPPY~~~ and we know he is not a nigerian spammer, now if you want to banned me too go right ahead !!!

So what happen, I thought Tyler was the moderator anyway!!!! and do not bother sending me a PM about ~~~HAPPY~~~


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Tyler and I both have moderator rights. As far as people posting what they want, I have no problem with that. About the only time you'll see me step in is when the name-calling starts getting out of hand. Like I said, take that crap to Private Message.

When a forum user - be it you, Happy, Sally, whoever, posts the SAME stupid "pee on the rock" message in each forum here, for no reason other than their own amusement, the post is going to get deleted and the user is going to be banned for being an idiot.

All I ask is that you make a half-assed attempt at staying on topic and don't spam other forums with meaningless drivel because you (or Happy) think it's funny. Forums are a community, not a democracy. That's the way forums work.


I like pie.
Staff member
Why do we always have to fight when he gets banned.

If you like him, maybe he can find another forum to troll and you can join?

AZ Miguel

I stuck my neck out for him and he pushes it beyond the limit, Not again.


Being arrested for public urination ain't no joke. When I was in my early 20s a friend of mine and I had to spend two days in the Clackamas County, OR jail for public urination. It was on a roadway though and not a rock. We had to get rid of all that beer somehow. It was a good deterrent though. I always look both ways first, now.


I have sat here for a couple of years and it never changes. I really like the info on this forum, I just wish certain people would get a life and move on. Stuart and Tyler , you are doing a great job. Happy,you have the right to your opinion and that is fine . I think you should just quit wasting everybody elses.


Stuart how do I get a hold of you. I go to Lobos alot and was wondering if you ever go down there Thanks Leigh


bahiatrader said:
Being arrested for public urination ain't no joke. When I was in my early 20s a friend of mine and I had to spend two days in the Clackamas County, OR jail for public urination. It was on a roadway though and not a rock. We had to get rid of all that beer somehow. It was a good deterrent though. I always look both ways first, now.
When I was up in Washington state in Clark county I plead it down to a offensive littering and I made the deal on my own with the assistant DA. The judge ask the prosecuter "can you do this ?" and he said "I think we've done it before." The Judge smiled at me and asked how I plead to offensive littering. I smiled back and said, "guilty your honor." He banged the gavel and said still smiling "don't do it again Mr Clever" and I walked out. It's a long funny story and I was a innocent man. The assistant DA and the cop both looked foolish. What wonderful day for justice in the good old USA.

P.S. HAPPY, you should have peed on just one rock and not all over town and it would have been OK. You gave Stuart a flashback when he remembered all the spam he had to delete on the other forum, kind of like post traumatic stress disorder. :shock:..... 30 days, you can do that standing on your head. ;)



Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Kenny, Did they make you go sit on the group W bench after you were released? :lol: :lol: :lol: :roll:


:mrgreen: I'll be glad when the thirty days are up. I miss Sally/Happy, but I'm glad that I am not a rock. ;)