Their site is poorly maintained but that is their site, if you look it is a writing about Phelans animal care not her site. This site is built on word press which is little more than a blogsphere. A little further down the page you will see a story about the El Golfo run. So yes they are here just not up-to-date on the web presence. Maybe we can help fix that for them??????Is the Rocky Point Times News Paper still around? The link takes you to Paw Prints with Nancy Phelan's adoptions.
Hey, are you saying that blogs are necessarily somehow inferior to non-blog sites? I resemble that remark!This site is built on word press which is little more than a blogsphere.
No offense Huerita, we also use wordpress but we also have static sites that are pretty easy to manage. If the powers at Rocky Point times would extend their reach beyond the paper edition and get serious about their web presence I think it would make a big difference right now and for sure into the future as things (eithere will or not) turn around from a economic standpoint. I think wordpress is great and easy to update but there is nothing wrong having it attached to a static information site which would require only general housecleaning once in a while. One guy I worked with wuold write his stories in a format which was used both for his print edition as well as his web presence. One story gets posted to all of his social networks as well as ISSUU which was a great program for reading news online. Sorry if my post seemed out of touch but if you have a web presence you have to keep it up-to-date. Thats all Rambling over and out! Que tenga buen dia! By the way I love your stuff for what its worth!Hey, are you saying that blogs are necessarily somehow inferior to non-blog sites? I resemble that remark!![]()
Actually Wordpress is an excellent content management system-- if you know how to use it properly. Most commonly it is used as a plain blogging platform, but it is easily expanded ("easily" being a relative term) to be much more. You'd be surprised by some of the websites that use Wordpress as a base. I'll probably use it myself once I get around to moving from Blogspot to a real website and domain name. Double dog dare you to dismiss me as little more than a "blogsphere" when I do. :lol:
Seriously, RP Times was always awful at keeping up their website, and though the "theme" they chose is super easy to maintain (and modify), they don't seem to "get it" about the Internet, and the site does not look at all professional. They should either learn to do it right (Rosie did!) or give it up, IMO. :notme: