It's a tank, for sure. But, it's a cheap tank! At that price, you could run it until it A) falls apart, or B) sinks and you wouldn't be out very much money.
46 gallons of gas - that's not going to get you very far at all. Little conflicting info there about gas tanks (item 4), then mention of the custom aluminum 46 gallon centerline tank (item 8). So, hard to know the real fuel capacity?
At 21 ft., it's not very big, but would probably be adequate for fishing up to four guys. Reinells were built primarily as pleasure boats, not fishing boats. And, primarily for lake use, not open water, at least, most of the Reinells you see here in AZ.
The following statement scares the bejeezuz right out of me and would be an instant deal breaker by my standards -"Rebuilt deck and stringers under deck 2"x10" stringers from stern forward 12' fresh wood then all new fiberglass encasement including both sides of floor plywood." That's *major* hull work; the boat had some serious rot at one time if he had to replace the stringers. Did he do it himself or was it done professionally? If he did it, he better be damned good with fiberglass!
My other big concern would be in the statement that the boat's only had 15 hours on it since rebuild and then admitting the boat's only been out twice -- last time being 1996!! It has sat in the desert heat for 14 years now. Every rubber seal and gasket in it has probably cracked and blown away.
Sounds like the guy has put some recent work into it, but keep in mind it's a 40 year old boat. Also sounds like he's just trying to unload it. Unless you're good at working on boats and motors, it's probably not the right boat for you.
Be leery... very, very leery. Just my two cents. Heck, you should of bought the Airslot I posted about if you wanted a good boat for Rocky Point!