Rosie gets the story, all of it!

Ed B

Small Potatoes
I've tried searchng the site and even Googled the headline. When you click on the link you get the 404 error. It seems as though the article was removed. ????

Scottsdale man tells of ordeal, calls for increased safety measures
Dec 27, 2009 ... Rockypoint Business Directory, Puerto Penasco's Premier Online Business Directory. Focusing on providing the Local Community and Our Tourist ... for-increased-safety-measures.html - Cached

Welcome to RockyPoint News Online
Scottsdale man tells of ordeal, calls for increased safety measures. E-mail · Print. Editor's Note: After viewing the Rocky Point Ramblings video in the ... - Cached - Similar

Mentiras y Traición

Sonoran Goddess
Big mistake. Now we know there are things that happen, but the "Propaganda Minister" will decide for us whether or not we should know. In my mind, that is a HUGE red flag.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Being that I am the "Propaganda Minister" in this domain, the story stays here. Sweeping it under the carpet helps no one.

Bob Oso

Wonder if the Propaganda Minister wouldn't mind letting us know that they've apprehended the suspects, or if they have initiated any sort of plan to help remove the fear of driving south?
Being that I am the "Propaganda Minister" in this domain, the story stays here. Sweeping it under the carpet helps no one.
Unfortunately Stuart, it was a link to the, poof, it is now gone!

Wahoo....has anyone heard from Rosy indicating that she was "requested" to take the article down???


I don't know if she was "requested" to take it down, but I do know she caught hell for putting it out there. Think about it, Rosie has a lot of friends and acquaintances who have business's that depend on the tourist $$ for survival. You guy's might even know some of the people who complained directly to her.. She really put it on the line, if you get my drift.

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Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Unfortunately Stuart, it was a link to the, poof, it is now gone!
Right. However, we have 8 pages of discussion on the event here that's not going away. Google "Rocky Point Carjacking" and this thread is the first link at the top of the list. If people want the information, it's available here and we're not taking it down.

Fortunately, Tyler and I are beholden to no one - commercially, financially, or otherwise - when it comes to what is published here. I understand completely how editorially difficult it must be for Rosie walking that thin line between reporting the truth and the tourist/business interests of those she serves. She does a wonderful job, but the bottom line is she's in the business of promoting tourism and business in Penasco, not "fair and balanced" reporting.

I don't consider us "fair and balanced" either. Not that any of you wonderful Forum posters are "opinionated." (cough-cough, uhhhh, yeah right). Regardless, you're more likely to find out the real scoop here than anywhere else on the Internet. There's a reason we're #1.

Just sayin'...

Mentiras y Traición

Sonoran Goddess
I have a way bigger problem considering associating with businesses who value their bottom line more than our safety. Think about the message those who "pressured" Rosie to take down the story are sending to us...they would rather we blindly find our way to them to drop our $$ than let us decide for ourselves if and when there is a risk. That story would never stop me from driving down...but the thought of spending my very hard earned dollars at the - for now - anonymous business certainly could. Promoting tourism and purposely concealing possible dangers to those very tourists is a bad road for this to take....where's the trust?

Mentiras y Traición

Sonoran Goddess
Furthermore, SAFETY is in the interests of the tourists served by this forum, Rocky Point News Online, the City Administration AND the businesses who rely on them for income. The absolute stupidity behind this boggles my mind. OK, I am done. For now. Thank you Stuart and Tyler!

Ed B

Small Potatoes
Well this is really getting interesting. My main sources for reliable information are this forum and Rocky News Online. One of them has definitely been compromised. This is starting to change things. I would like the opportunity to read the article if anyone can provide. The incident happened. If the article had wrong information, then respond with a retraction. Just do not delete without any explanation. If it really is bidness, tell us that too. I just hope everyone involved is safe because this is starting to get weird. I'm not sure if the cover up is worse than the crime in this case but in the long run it could cause much more damage and add to an already more blemished reputation than what we need right now.


Beautiful! Now it just makes you wonder how many other stories are being buried like rival drug dealers in the desert.
Contrary to popular belief, the local news doesn't station a reporter at the border or in Rocky Point, and just like killings in Phoenix- you only hear about 10% of what really happens.

I challenge anyone to keep track of the number of homicides in Phoenix or any major metropolitan area for 2010, then see how many are reported in the respective local news.

Methinks Rosie needs to grow a pair.
Methinks Rosie needs to grow a pair.
Sub...I think Rosy did by originally posting the article....but someone came along and chopped them off! Probably several of her advertisers or some of the local better believe if I found out which businesses were involved, they would never get any business from me.....

Maybe we as a group can reconstruct the article from our collective memories....anyone want to try??
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Not necessary!

Scottsdale man tells of ordeal, calls for increased safety measures

E-mail Print

Editor’s Note: After viewing the Rocky Point Ramblings video in the last issue, the victim of an attempted carjacking on December 27, 2009, has decided to give an exclusive interview to the RPNO. For the purposes of this article, we will refer to him only as D.
“After the story broke about what happened to us, I was approached by television news stations and other media, but I love Rocky Point. I’ve been going there with my family since I was 16 years old”, said the 38-year-old general contractor. “I have friends there who rely on the tourist trade and do not want this to have a negative impact on their businesses, but I also want the authorities to be more forthcoming and do more to protect those who visit. Even though I was asked not to go to the media, I’ve decided to share my story here”.
Here, in his own words, is D’s account of the events.
“My girlfriend and I love going to Rocky Point. It’s a special place for us because it’s the first place we ever went together. The kids love it too. My son is 8 and her boy was celebrating his 11th birthday on the day this happened.
We had planned a 5-day vacation over the Christmas break for the four of us. Because of the birthday, we were excited and happy. As we crossed into Mexico we whooped and hollered in the car, excited to begin our much-anticipated vacation. Within minutes, we were living a nightmare.
Approximately five miles outside Sonoyta at 5:35, I passed a slow-moving (about 35 mph) Ford Expedition on the highway. It was an older model, maybe 1998, with faded red paint. As I attempted to pass, it suddenly swerved into me, as if to hit me. After I passed them, they sped up and pulled alongside on the driver’s side and his passenger lowered the window. I quickly and clearly saw that he was pointing a handgun right at me. I slammed on my brakes, and in that moment, he shot, hitting my driver’s side door.
I made a quick U-turn and drove as fast as I could back to Sonoyta, yelling at my family to duck down. The Expedition also turned and pursued me, at one point almost catching up. Taking no chances, I drove down the middle of the highway, maneuvering so they could not come up on my side. The whole time I was flashing my lights and honking my horn to get attention.
As we approached the city of Sonoyta, they must have realized they could not catch up before reaching the city, so they backed off their pursuit. On the way out of town I had spotted no fewer than 5 patrol cars. Now I couldn’t find one. I drove the streets, honking the horn driving erratically and yet no cops. Finally I found some standing around at the park in the middle of town. None spoke English. I am bilingual, but do struggle with verb conjugation.
I told them what happened and they got on their radios and sent out an alert. Then they took us to the police station, where we had to retell our story no fewer than 5 times. Amazingly, there is no one on the Sonoyta police force who speaks English.
We were nervous, cold and scared. The kids were traumatized. After all that, we were walked to another building for yet another retelling of the events. Told that we were with a police investigator, the young man admitted he was only a secretary, but he’d been told to pretend to be an investigator.
About 35 minutes later, a British couple arrived at the police station. Ten minutes after the attempt on us, the same guys managed to ram their car and pull them over. As everyone knows by now, their car and belongings were taken from them. My family and I stayed hours more in Sonoyta, as they had no one but me to translate for the other couple, who also had children with them.
By now, authorities in Rocky Point had been alerted to the situation. Oscar Palacio arranged for a police escort to Penasco for us. In light of what had just happened, I was surprised that on the drive I saw not one police cruiser.
We had rented a house in Las Conchas for our vacation, and we did eventually spend that night there, but after what we had been through, we were scared and just wanted to go home. We went to the police station in Penasco and asked to be escorted to the border. The officers were told to take good care of us, and they did.
Oscar Palacio called me shortly after we got home and assured me that great measures would be taken to make the highway safer for travelers. He promised to call me the next day.
Two days later, Fausto Soto called me. I felt he was simply placating me as he gave me vague statements of increased security. He was equally vague when I asked if a travel advisory had been issued. In that conversation he said that there is no way I could be reimbursed the amount spent on the rental, the repair to my truck or our travel expenses. And of course our 5-day vacation was ruined. It wasn’t even so much a matter of the money itself, but I felt, and still feel, that what happened to us wasn’t important enough to them that they would even attempt to make it up to us.
We’ve since been in contact with the other victims. The city provided them with an attorney to help expedite their insurance claim. While at the Sonoyta police department, we were able to identify the assailants in a photo lineup. I was told there would be someone contacting me in a day or two to follow up that lead. To date, I’ve received no calls.
In the video I saw, Fausto Soto said that this is the first time something like this has happened. Well, at the police station, an officer said it had happened just one week prior. Crossing back to the U.S., again I was told of a car being shot at in an attempted carjacking on the same stretch of highway.
Friends with business interests in Rocky Point have asked that I not go to the media. I don’t want to hurt anyone. But I do want the authorities to get the message that they must take measures like never before. I trust the RPNO to tell my story objectively with no exaggerating or cover-up. If I didn’t do it sooner, it’s because I wanted to give the authorities time to take the right measures to protect people”.

I added the bold accent/underline to the last sentence. I don't know Rosie, but if I was in her shoes I would refuse to remove the article regardless of the consequences. All you have is your integrity, and once compromised it's gone forever. This isn't the first time journalists were threatened to bury a story.
You guys crack me up. Here it is 3am and I decided to swing on in here to answer RPJoe’s pm. It never occurred to me that there would be such a flurry of activity over the article being unavailable. Geez... It was up for a long time, after all. Good work, Sub. Now let me address a few of the questions raised:

1. I HAVE a pair, thank you.

2. No one's business interests rank higher than your right to know about things that affect you, and certainly nothing is more important than your safety and that of other visitors to RP.

3. As Kenny said, I did get pressured. It wasn't the first time, it won't be the last. The biggest letdown this time was the speed with which my own readers turned on me. My integrity has been called into question. I have been accused of being a sellout. And the guy whose story we told has also been the victim of slander. And this was from people on the “we want to know” side of the fence.

4. No one "pulled the plug" on the article or forced me to take it down. I made the decision and told myself it was okay, because I'd had it up for two stinkin’ weeks.

5. The first week it was up, I felt it was informative, timely and relevant. After that, the tone of the emails I was getting changed and I started to notice that the negativity was being exploited by those who want to hammer home their own agendas and harm the city I live in or a young family man who was victimized.

6. A lot has happened in the last two weeks. Meetings with mayors (both Sonoyta and Penasco) and local business people (believe it or not, I actually have the support and friendship of many) brought a good plan of action for keeping people safer when they come down. Plans for Spring Break and other events are in full swing. Kenny said I walk a fine line. I'd like to think I do it well. Sometimes, I have to measure my actions and determine when something I'm doing is becoming counter-productive. I'm glad I published the article. I would do it again. I think it was time to bring it down and write about what has been done since. It will be archived and accessible, but I needed a break from all the emails. I didn't realize removing it would kick up such a ****storm. Seriously, I figured you all had read it in the first few days. Can I help it if you read too slowly?

7. Mentiras and Jeeper, please don't call for a boycott on the businesses you think pressured me! That made me laugh out loud (lovingly, of course, because I think you gals are great), the biggest complainers this time have been condo owners (yes, Jerry...the coopers).

8. If you guys want to help me convince the RP establishment that giving non-Spanish-speakers information is not a bad thing, then please send me emails to that effect. I’ll publish them and pass along to the mayor and his peeps. Maybe if we get lots and lots of them, they will catch on.

P.S. To whoever wrote this: [email protected]
Message: Please tell us why the article has been removed regarding the carjacking. As of now the integrity of this publication is in question. I hope no one's safety has been compromised and that an update will follow regarding the removal of the article.

Let me say that your integrity is in question if you hide behind an alias. I don’t. I hate heavy-handedness. Couldn’t you have asked nicely if I’m okay? I take enough crap in an effort to bring you information, I don’t need more.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
I didn't call for a boycott; I just asked if anyone had saved the article in their archives and could repost it. A journalist can never make everybody happy but I appreciate all that you do. We need to know all the news, good or bad. It sure is awful how much my favorite little beach hang-out has changed since 1966 tho....................
You guys crack me up. Here it is 3am and I decided to swing on in here to answer RPJoe’s pm. It never occurred to me that there would be such a flurry of activity over the article being unavailable. Geez... It was up for a long time, after all. Good work, Sub. Now let me address a few of the questions raised:

1. I HAVE a pair, thank you.

2. No one's business interests rank higher than your right to know about things that affect you, and certainly nothing is more important than your safety and that of other visitors to RP.

3. As Kenny said, I did get pressured. It wasn't the first time, it won't be the last. The biggest letdown this time was the speed with which my own readers turned on me. My integrity has been called into question. I have been accused of being a sellout. And the guy whose story we told has also been the victim of slander. And this was from people on the “we want to know” side of the fence.

4. No one "pulled the plug" on the article or forced me to take it down. I made the decision and told myself it was okay, because I'd had it up for two stinkin’ weeks.

5. The first week it was up, I felt it was informative, timely and relevant. After that, the tone of the emails I was getting changed and I started to notice that the negativity was being exploited by those who want to hammer home their own agendas and harm the city I live in or a young family man who was victimized.

6. A lot has happened in the last two weeks. Meetings with mayors (both Sonoyta and Penasco) and local business people (believe it or not, I actually have the support and friendship of many) brought a good plan of action for keeping people safer when they come down. Plans for Spring Break and other events are in full swing. Kenny said I walk a fine line. I'd like to think I do it well. Sometimes, I have to measure my actions and determine when something I'm doing is becoming counter-productive. I'm glad I published the article. I would do it again. I think it was time to bring it down and write about what has been done since. It will be archived and accessible, but I needed a break from all the emails. I didn't realize removing it would kick up such a ****storm. Seriously, I figured you all had read it in the first few days. Can I help it if you read too slowly?

7. Mentiras and Jeeper, please don't call for a boycott on the businesses you think pressured me! That made me laugh out loud (lovingly, of course, because I think you gals are great), the biggest complainers this time have been condo owners (yes, Jerry...the coopers).

8. If you guys want to help me convince the RP establishment that giving non-Spanish-speakers information is not a bad thing, then please send me emails to that effect. I’ll publish them and pass along to the mayor and his peeps. Maybe if we get lots and lots of them, they will catch on.

P.S. To whoever wrote this: [email protected]
Message: Please tell us why the article has been removed regarding the carjacking. As of now the integrity of this publication is in question. I hope no one's safety has been compromised and that an update will follow regarding the removal of the article.

Let me say that your integrity is in question if you hide behind an alias. I don’t. I hate heavy-handedness. Couldn’t you have asked nicely if I’m okay? I take enough crap in an effort to bring you information, I don’t need more.
Rosy...good to see you come on again and respond to some of our questions and concerns....I just went thru the posts on this thread, and it's funny that some of the things you mention were never posted on here.....apparently we have a bunch of lurkers on the Forum who are capable of putting their concerns/complaints in emails...but not out in the public. And your statement concerning the "coopers" that is "interesting".