Hey fellas, any suggestions on how to reattach a reel seat on a penn senator rod? The seat rotates on the rod, while the butt cap/handle is firmly attached. I was thinking about drilling several small holes thru the seat and forcing in cyno. Suggestions?
Hey Robert, thanks for the reply, unfortunately the foam grip (which has a large diameter shoulder) is glued flush against the seat; so, there is no way to access the ends of the seat.
Drill a couple small holes, run in some stainless steel screws with super glue. I had a couple cheaper rods that did the same thing. The glue itself is generally not enough to hold it in place under pressure once it breaks loose.
hey reel hard here. your best bet is to drill small holes and squeeze in gorilla glue. it will expand and completely fill in around the reel seat. the stuff is bad ass. i have used it alot on rod repairs with good results.